《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读87

    “not hogwarts?”

    “no believe me, i tried i think they don’t want my godfather to grade me they think he’d favor me or something like that”

    bise snorted into his wine at the thought of snape fav anyone enough to up their grade nope, it wasn’t ompatible with the reality

    “so how’s your better half?” bise asked

    “well right now we’re arguing—”

    “you don’t say” bise’s tone was dry and sarasti

    “—about hildren”

    bise hoked on the wine he was drinking and deided that, even though it was really good wine, he should not drink it during this n

    “i an holy say that is the st thing i thought you were going to say”

    drao smirked “i enjoy surprising you”

    “so what exatly are you arguing about?”

    “how they will ome into existene”

    “oh, you mean whether you’re going to use a pon or a spell?”


    “let me guess, you want the pon, he wants the spell?”


    bise grinned lopsidedly at him “well, i think whoever has to arry the baby should deide”

    “bise, that is disgusting”

    bise ouldn’t help but ugh at the look on his friend’s fae “sorry, i ouldn’t resist well, if memory serves me orretly, the hereditary pon and spell are both administered at the same time of birth, right?”

    “corret as long as the baby hasn’t gone through a naming eremony, either one an be used to hange his or her heritage to another family’s”

    “well, why don’t you just adopt twins and use both?”

    drao shrugged off his outer loak and dropped it into the house elf’s waiting hands as he entered the manor the masters had kept him te again he sighed harry didn’t like it when he wasn’t there to help tuk the hildren in he would have to apologize for the ill- manners of his teahers, yet again

    “master drao, master harry and the little master and mistress are waiting for you in the little mistress’s room they is having master harry tell them stories while they wait for you”

    drao thanked the house elf and strolled towards the room he and harry had fasned for the younger twin she was “harry’s twin”, and had been made a malfoy by harry asting the hereditary spell on her, while the older twin was “his twin”, having been made part of the family by the hereditary pon that drao himself had brewed

    the door was open and he paused in the hallway as he realized that harry was nearing the end of the story as always, he ouldn’t speak more than a sentene without one of them asking a quesn

    “and draonis proteted harold with his wings as harold said the spell to kill the big- bad-wizard”

    “did he have wings like father does, daddy?”

    “yes, exatly like father does”

    “what hened after the big-bad-wizard was killed, daddy?”

    “well, harold and draonis deided to have a family, of ourse”

    drao moved to stand in the doorway harry was sitting in the middle of the bed with one hild on either side, listening ily to him harry looked up at drao as he entered

    “and did they all live hily ever after, daddy?”

    “they did” drao answered, stepping up to the bed to hug and kiss his hildren good-night “they all lived hily ever after”

    seven years later:

    headmaster severus snape surveyed the hall as herne weasley, minerva’s repement as transfiguran teaher lead the new first years into the great hall for the s his eyes swept down to one end of the table where ron was wathing his son in the gaggle of first years he allowed himself a small smile from this year on, he wouldn’t have to worry about young hildren exploding their auldrons in his dungeons anymore casting a gne at the wizard sittingto him, he wondered how the hildren would reat to their new pons teaher he’d seen drao teah as part of his lian to be on the hogwarts staff and his godson had impressed even him on how strit a teaher he ould be

    to drao sat his husband, and the only defense against the dark arts teaher to remain at hogwarts for more than one year (ten, to be exat, and still ounting): harry malfoy though, snape thought with a hidden grimae, he would always be “potter” in his eyes harry was wathing eagerly for his own two hildren to be sorted, his hand reahing for drao’s under the table

    snape turned his attenn bak towards the group of students and piked out two very blond hildren in the rowd one, a girl, was standing in the front the other, a boy, was more towards the bak hidden behind the other students but the hair gave them away as the two malfoy twins that drao had written of onstantly in his letters snape looked forward to seeing how they’d grown he’d not seen them sine their naming eremonies

    “malfoy, lily” herne’s voie rang out and the front most blond head moved out of the rowd lily malfoy smiled brightly at her two fathers before she sat down on the hair she had wavy golden hair, muh more gold than ptinum; harry’s eyes, harry’s smile, drao’s nose and poise everyone waited as the hat was ped upon her head

