《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读88

    “gryffindor!” it yelled, and harry smirked at drao before joining in the use for his daughter

    “one more left, harry,” drao reminded him over the hatter and snape fought the urge to groan would the rivalry between those two never stop? for one minute?

    drao edged forward in his seat as herne’s eyes fell to thename on the list

    “malfoy, luius”

    snape’s jaw dropped as a arbon opy of the luius he had gone to shool with made his way through the small huddle of first years, and nodded respetfully at his fathers before sitting down the elder twin waited patiently as the hat was lowered towards his head no sooner had it touhed the long ptinum hairs that were brushed bak into a horsetail did it shout:


    drao beamed at his son as luius sat proudly at the slytherin table, very muh in the same seat that drao himself had oupied during his years at hogwarts the twins shot eah other hallenging looks aross the hall and snape fought the urge to groan, thinking of all the trouble two malfoys—who were part potter—would ause, now that they were in different houses

    “well, i think that wehave feared, harry,” drao spoke as the s ontinued “our inter-house rivalry legay will be ontinued”

    nothing else was said until “weasley, mordred” was sorted

    “mordred?” snape asked the blondto him as the redheaded boy sat down on the stool and his mother dropped the hat on his head

    “it was arently mrs weasley’s idea,” was all the malfoy patriarh would expin “and mr weasley didn’t have the determinan to tell her no, not after twelve hours of bor”

    snape nodded, wining slightly, and thanked whatever fore was guiding the universe that he would never have to worry about hildren of his own


    at the other end of the staff table, the flying instrutor, ronald weasley, began to hoke on the very air he was breathing herne, however, smiled proudly at her son and wathed him swagger over to the table over whih hung green and silver banners the redhead plopped downto luius and, from the onspiring grins between the two, harry and drao both knew that something was being pnned about this turn of events

    drao ouldn’t resist “you should be hy, weasley,” he smirked down the table at the sputtering ron “my boy will make sure yours grows up right”

    ron shot a gre at drao but didn’t say anything, pointedly returning his attenn to the s ceremony

    later that night harry remarked on how quiet it was in the manor, now that luius and lily were staying in the hogwarts dorms

    drao’s smile was predatory as he whispered in harry’s ear, “i bet i ould make you sream loudly enough that it ehoes”

    and he would have proven that was there not the sound of a nervous house elf trying to get their attenn “masters, there is a guest demanding to see you in the fire”

    drao sighed and got up, pulling harry off the ouh with him the two walked into the foyer where a very irate severus snape waited for them in the firepe

    “drao, i need you to floo to hogwarts immediately you are needed as head of slytherin house”

    “why?” harry pouted

    “beause your son and his weasley friend were just aught sneaking into the restrited sen of the library”

    harry burst out ughing as drao shrugged and went to grab some floo powder he had a feeling the two wouldn’t be punished for trying to sneak into the restrited sen on their first night of hogwarts no, drao would hew them both out with a leture to rival and perhaps utterly destroy one of snape’s own; but it would not be about breaking the rules…no, it would be about breaking the rules and getting aught

