《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读86

    snape studied his godson, deked out in wedding robes “no but it is one thing to know it and another to believe it and thinking that your godson is in love with harry potter is very different from truly knowing the same fat”

    drao didn’t reply, but looked down at the two rings again after a moment he murmured “i know i’m still surprised myself”

    as sundown neared, guests began to swarm the manor and harry made his way down the long path leading to the manor, with lupin by his side

    “are you nervous?” lupin asked

    “a little”

    lupin’s smile was a knowing one “try not to be this is your day after all yours and drao’s it’s a day to be remembered so that you an tell it to future gns and it wouldn’t be a very iing story if you only remember being nervous”

    harry smiled absently at the remark before asking, “do you think they would be okay with this? my parents? sirius?”

    “i think that it would have taken some getting used to, espeially for james and sirius lilly would have loved the idea right away, but it might have taken a week or so for james and sirius to see what she would have immediately but i do think that at this moment, were james or sirius in my pe, they would both be very proud of and hy for you”

    harry’s losest friends surrounded him as lupin led him up the walkway the path was lined with ssmates and friends who all smiled at him and joined the group as they passed drao’s lose friends stood near him as he wathed harry walk towards him

    when harry had walked to where drao stood in front of the rge double doors to the manor, lupin ped harry’s hand in drao’s outstrethed one and stood bakto snape as the two faed eah other

    in a lear voie, drao spoke, “where you are gaia, i am gaius”

    “where you are gaius, i am gaia,” harry replied

    snape stepped forward with the wedding rings, and drao ped harry’s ring on his finger with a reverene harry had never seen from him before harry then piked up drao’s ring from the box snape held and slid it on to drao’s finger

    “ubi tu gaia, ego gaius,” drao spoke in little more than a whisper, and harry responded in kind, “ubi tu gaius, ego gaia”

    snape and lupin stepped out of the way as drao and harry turned to the doors together they pushed them open in one swift movement, drao piked up harry in his arms and walked aross the threshold of the manor

    someone heered and then others joined in, heering and pping as drao made his way slowly through the foyer of the manor, arrying harry to the ballroom

    everyone followed them into the ballroom whih was lit in the early evening by huge handeliers, overed in white flower garnds

    small instruments sattered amidst the andles of the handeliers began to py as drao set harry down in the enter of the ballroom their musi flowed down and around the two as they began to e harry found it was muh easier to e while being led by someone who in turn knew how to e drao and he seemed to flow around the ballroom as if ing on the musi itself harry fot those who were wathing, arried off by the musi and drao

    instead of winding down to finish the piee, the musi inreased in volume and speed, rising in a resendo that brought the two ers with them, till finally in the st, triumphant note, they stopped

    lupin then took harry’s hand and they ed “you did very well, harry,” he murmured as they fell into step with the soft musi “i am very proud of you, as i’m sure are your parents and sirius”

    tonks had outdone herself, harry thought, as she took drao’s hand for their e she looked almost as malfoyish as he did, in asading blond ris and bright blue eyes

    food was served by the house elves as the ing ontinued harry was sure that fred or gee weasley had spiked the punh at some point drao shared his se, after having tasted it

    “i really don’t want to know what they put in there it tastes like a mixture of firewhisky and worse”

    “but if that’s the worst prank they pull, then we’re luky,” harry grinned, leaning against drao

    they didn’t notie ron and fred weasley making their way to the middle of the ballroom, nor did they notie bise break away from his e with pansy to follow them but when fred weasley pointed his wand at ron’s throat and whispered “sonorus”, and ron began to speak, everyone notied

    “i’m told…” he said, and everyone stopped ing or eating to look at him “…there’s this new tradin starting in wizard marriages, where the best friend of the groom or… other groom in this ase, alled the ‘best man’—” he looked at herne quikly for onfirman before ontinuing, “—has to get up in front of all the guests and family of the ouple and spout embarrassing stories about his friend until his friend is ompletely embarrassed it’s kinda hard to say more things about harry that you already know, sine all of the bad stuff has already been published, and if i were to rete all the details, we’d be here all year, not that i’m ompining of ourse beause the food’s great my ompliments to the house elves” ron paused and then ontinued “we’ve been through a lot, harry and i, and some of the less known, less dignified moments of our…adventures inlude falling onto a devils snare and not knowing what it was, following a trail of spiders into the forbidden forest without trying to plot exatly where we were going or how we’d get out, being the only ones sitting through an entire ball without ever ing, and i will always remember fondly harry riding around, frantily hasing after a flying key until i die and thus having ompletely shattered harry’s pride, i will step out of the way for my ounterpart here, to do the same for his husband”

    drao stiffened as bise stepped up to where ron had stood and har
