《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读85

    “if you are still a student at that shool, then you annot do magi—”

    “i annot do magi?” drao ehoed, as if in disbelief

    “and i will not tolerate any of your strangeness in my house!”

    harry wondered if his unle was referring to drao being a wizard or drao being his fiané, and then deided that his unle was probably referring to both

    “and here is where our viewpoints differ,” drao drawled “you seem to be ating under the idea that i am a wizard, a student at hogwarts” drao emphasized the name deliberately as the dursleys flinhed “i am no wizard in fat—” there was the sound of fabri ripping and drao’s wings extended outward from his bak in an upward asade of sharp bk feathers “—i am not even human and i assure you…” drao’s head tilted in dudley’s diren something shifted in the air and dudley found himself suddenly thrown into the wall by an invisible fore “i an very easily do magi”

    the dursleys didn’t adjust to drao and drao refused to adjust to their standards after ompining that harry’s bed was the worst piee of furniture he’d ever seen, drao summoned a small army of house elves to ompletely redo harry’s bedroom, the bathroom, the kithen, and any other ommon rooms that “this poor exuse for a house” might have this then started a shouting math between unle vernon and drao about where the inal furniture had gone

    vernon said that drao had stolen it, and drao replied that he wouldn’t touh the furniture in this house if his life depended upon it, and that the muggle would find his furniture bak in their pes one drao left

    drao had also turned part of the living room into a pons boratory whih harry’s aunt petunia ouldn’t stand the smell was dreadful, she said and insisted that drao get rid of it immediately to whih drao almly replied, “make me, you patheti exuse for a muggle”

    dudley learned very quikly to avoid drao at all osts one he made the mistake of alling drao a “fag” and, one harry expined what it meant and that it was an insult, drao had sealed his mouth shut and loked dudley in his bedroom for three days

    yes, when drao and harry finally left, the dursleys were very hy to be rid of them and did not bother to hide it

    harry woke to an empty bed the day of the wedding, and a house elf nervously stammering, “master harry sir the-ere’s guests here, sir”

    “who are they…lilty?” harry muttered as he slid out of the ooon of bed sheets he found himself in

    “a mr ronald weasley and a miss herne granger, master harry sir”

    harry nodded “let them in and tell them i’ll be down in a minute”

    herne was alled when harry eared in pajamas “harry! it’s nearly noon!”

    “i know, herne i slept in” harry thanked the house elf that brought him breakfast “do you want anything?”

    “no,” herne answered for both ron and herself “you have to get dressed, harry! guests will start to arrive in three hours!”

    “lupin and snape should be here any minute,” ron added, swiping a muffin off the tray that had been brought to harry

    “fine, fine, i’m going!” harry shook his head helplessly as he headed bak to drao and his bedroom to hange

    herne and ron looked around the house while they waited for their friend

    “the house elves have outdone themselves,” ron grudgingly admitted “it doesn’t look half bad”

    “it looks geous, ron,” herne orreted him and indeed it did

    the entire first floor and stairway had been deorated in white and ptinum the marble and wooden floors shone with equal sparkle, as if just leaned garnds of fresh white roses hung from the moldings and around the banisters the flowers in the garden that lead to the double doors of the manor were in perfet ondin and in full bloom white petals had been sprinkled on the walkway and aross the lose wns, and a bouquet of white orhids sat primly on every windowsill

    “your husband has very good taste, mr malfoy” kutterman nodded at drao’s robes “here are the rings i wish you many hy years, mr malfoy”

    “thank you”

    snape and lupin arrived at around the same time, with drao following shortly after snape and drao then diseared into what had been luius’s study and was now drao’s, as lupin, herne, and ron, stayed with harry

    snape looked at the rings for a moment before handing them bak to drao “they’re lovely they’ll do both of you justie and the spell work is immaute”


    “are you nervous?”

    “why should i be?”

    “you have the weasley twins oming to your eremony they’ll probably try to jinx the doors shut”

    drao bnhed “don’t tell me things like that”

    “you’re seus then”

    “of ourse i’m seus did you doubt me?”

