《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读84

    chapter 41: “home” for the holidays

    drao and harry parted ways at the train stan, so harry ould have time to tell the dursleys that drao would be staying with them before drao met them drao was going to arrive at privet drive a few hours after harry and his retives

    drao nodded to the house elf who had brought the arriage, disguised as a streth limousine, to king’s cross “i trust the horses know where to go?” he asked as he opened the door to the arriage

    “yes, master drao they is taking you there”

    drao nodded and sat bak against the plush seats as the horses made their way through the busy streets of london

    when the horses stopped an hour ter, drao was outside a run-down shop on the outskirts of london but he knew this was only part of a faade to keep the muggles away they wouldn’t have enough to pay for anything inside this shop anyway

    inside, the shop beame one of the most beautiful pes drao had ever seen this was kutterman’s, a speialty shop that sold jewelry of a quality so perfet they were peerless for gns, the family who had owned the shop had reated one of a kind masterpiees for the malfoy wedding rings and drao was not one to break tradin

    “ah, mister malfoy it is good to see you you look just like your father” the man behind the ounter was old, with gray hair that was slowly turning white, whose pleasant features had lit up with a smile as drao entered

    “did you get my letter?”

    “yes, mister malfoy the rings are finished, but we’re still putting the spell work on them you an see them if you want”

    “i would like to”

    he followed the man into the bak of the shop where the two rings sat on a work table of ivory

    they did not math, beause in order for the spell work to bind the ring to its owner ompletely, the ring had to be unique, as its owner was both rings were bands of diamond, with the date of the wedding and the malfoy rest, engraved in minute detail in ptinum on the inside of the band and that is where the simirities stopped drao’s ring was entered with an obsidian gem surrounded by amethysts and shires, all set in ptinum settings on the diamond band harry’s ring was entered with an emerald in between two rubies and four small opals, set also in ptinum settings

    when finished, they would be spelled to fit the owner perfetly, to adjust as needed in order to slide on and off the ring finger of the owner as wished they would also be spelled with multiple proten spells, whih are what took the most time to set, as one needed to spelled on top of the other

    “they will be ready on the day of your wedding as promised,” the old man promised

    “that will be perfet,” drao replied

    harry endured a ompletely silent ar ride bak to privet drive his unle was fuming, he ould tell he’d expined that another student from hogwarts was going to be staying with him that summer, and his unle had gone ompletely silent this was the alm before the storm, he ould just tell

    and he was right the minute vernon was inside his own home, with aunt petunia and dudley as his attentive audiene, he exploded in anger he yelled about the nerve of some people who took advantage of the goodness of others, and how he allowed one freak in his house and that was enough in the midst of this, harry notied dudley was looking at him strangely, or rather, looking at his right hand

    “what’s that on his finger?” dudley asked abruptly and both of his parents turned to look at harry’s hands

    “why are you wearing—”

    “i’m engaged,” harry said quietly

    vernon was rapidly turning olors as he looked at the band of gold, and he was about to speak when the doorbell rang

    “i’ll get it,” harry said quikly

    “no you will not, boy!” vernon yelled, pushing harry out of the way as he headed for the door harry rubbed his shoulder where it had hit the wall as he followed his unle, aunt, and ousin to the door

    a man in a three-piee muggle suit stood at the door with a slightly hidden look of distain on his fae

    “is this the house of a mister harry potter?” he asked

    harry wathed his aunt and unle exhange looks before looking bak at him

    “no harry potter lives here,” vernon stated gruffly

    the man raised an eyebrow, looked past the dursleys to harry and then replied, “i shall tell lord malfoy this is the house”

    he turned and walked down the driveway to where a streth limousine was waiting on the urb he opened the door and harry wathed as drao, dressed in full wizarding robes, stepped out and made his way up to the house

    harry ouldn’t help grinning as drao eared as if he was looking down at his aunt and unle even though they were taller than he was “you are mr and mrs dursley?” he drawled


    “drao malfoy your nephew’s fiané”

    drao swept past the dursleys as if they weren’t standing in the doorway and looked around the foyer with disgust

    “you will leave at one!” vernon had found his voie again “i will not tolerate any of your kind in my house!”

    drao turned on his heel to fae harry’s unle “if you think for one moment that i will derive any pleasure from living in this hovel, you are gravely mistaken and i do not are what you will or will not tolerate in fat, it is you who should are what i will or will not tolerate”

    vernon sputtered, realizing that they were attrating the attenn of the neighbors and smmed the door losed

