《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读83

    after dinner drao headed for the infirmary bise was still there, and would spend the night; he’d broken bise’s jaw and nose, and given him a onusn

    the room was silent as he entered bise looked up from his bed and gave him a sad smile as he sat down on the hairto him

    “i’m…sorry i shouldn’t have—”

    “gotten arried away like that?” bise finished “don’t be you have nothing to apologize for”

    “i didn’t get arried away i wanted to hurt you”

    “of ourse you did you have ever sine then” bise didn’t have to rify when “then” was, they were both thinking about the i at the manner “and i an’t bme you for it if i hadn’t gotten in your way, your father might still be alive”

    “but you didn’t kill my father and it’s not your fault that he’s dead”

    “maybe we’ll never know will we?”

    drao shrugged, his eyes staring at the floor

    “i know it’s too te to say this but i’m really sorry, drao if i ould fix it—”

    “don’t say it bise i don’t want to hear it i know you’re sorry i know you only did that beause you had to ear loyal you did warn me not to let myself be seen but i was under the irumstanes…not knowing what would hen…you did the right thing”

    “i’m not on his side drao” bise whispered “but i was too weak to stand by that at the initian” he leaned bak against the pillows “i don’t think i’ve ever seen my parents more proud…or hated myself more at any other moment in my life”

    drao nodded the two were silent for a moment

    “do you—i mean…i, er, got your invitan” bise stumbled through his words “do you really want me at your wedding?”

    drao nodded slowly

    “and potter’s okay with this?”

    “do you want him dead?”


    “then he won’t have a problem with it you’re not a good enough death eater”

    bise smile wryly “i’m a horrible death eater”

    “i’m gd you are”

    the great hall was overed in red and gold in honor of gryffindor house as harry, ron and herne entered for the leaving feast as they passed the slytherin table, harry heard drao drawling to pansy and bise that if he’d been on the quiddith team, then slytherin wouldn’t have lost the bsp;that year, and ouldn’t help grinning

    as all of the students found their seats, dumbledore stood and the hall quieted

    “yet another year has passed and we’re older and hopefully a little wiser for it now for the house cup hufflepuff finishes the year with three hundred twenty points, ravenw with three hundred forty points, slytherin with four hundred ten points, and gryffindor with four hundred and fifty points!” cheers and use filled the hall “yes, gratuns gryffindor! and i’ll not bother you with an old man’s mumbling there’s a feast to be had!”

    as food filled the tables, harry looked over at the slytherin table and grinned drao raised his goblet in a mok salute and smirked in reply

    “oh stop staring at him and go sit with him!” ron muttered iween mouthfuls

    “yeah harry, it’s obus you want to!” dean added from aross the table

    “what?” harry gaped “sit over there?”

    “you are his fiané,” herne added “there’s no reason not to”

    “well if you don’t want me here anymore…” harry trailed off with a grin as he stood and amidst loud denials and ughter made his way over to the slytherin table

    “just ome bak for dessert!” ron alled after him

    “got room for one more?” harry murmured in drao’s ear

    “i don’t know, harry” drao looked up and down the table “there don’t seem to be any empty spots left”

    “then i’ll just have to sit on your p” and harry did so

    “unouth gryffindor,” drao drawled as harry grabbed a drumstik and added it to drao’s pte

    “yup, and you’ll get to spend the rest of your life with me,” harry reminded him

    “oh joy,” drao drawled, but his eyes were glittering in ughter

