《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读82

    harry bit his lip absently as he began to write a ive oran would ause an alteran on the pon’s effets, most often the opposite but there was something different about the effet of having a ive oran in an invisibility pon obusly it didn’t to the reverse beause that would just make you visible again…it was something about disearing and…not wearing off! that was it!

    the effets of a ive oran for any of the ingredients of an invisibility pon auses the user to lose whatever the pon is lied to instead of merely turning it invisible

    the afternoon exam for monday had harry and ron heading for divinan while drao and herne took their arithmany exam

    drao nearly groaned when he saw the predin he had to make this was another ‘loate the derivative of theta’ problem and that would ditate his life span of ourse it would ome out to have ondins, so it wouldn’t be a worthwhile alun anyway and as he sanned the parhment, yes, that was the seond quesn: is this an exat alun? why or why not?

    harry sat staring at ron’s palm in silene as professor trewney wathed them ron had already written his predin for harry, whih sat on the table, fae down,to them harry frowned slightly and began to write

    ron’s life-line is very short he will die exatly four weeks from now at my wedding from the line over his thumb, i an see that he will get very drunk and enger the life of one with a very strong inner eye (shown by the n of lines aross the fiips) and kill himself in grief, as shown by the perpendiur line running towards his palm from his life-line

    harry sat bak satisfied, having ompletely disregarded anything fatual about palm reading he might have known and if he was luky, professor trewney would read it and think the one with the very strong inner eye was hers that way she wouldn’t ome to the wedding

    the care of magial creatures exam took pe in a ssroom on the seond floor harry took a seat behind drao and turned over the parhment on the desk whih ativated the ing bubble hagrid’s untidy srawl overed the first few lines of the paper

    desribe any magial reature you wish in a ompletely developed essay

    harry blinked and began thinking of whih magial reature he should write about his eyes fell on the outline of drao in front of him and he smiled as he began to write

    veriae, or atra veritas, are perhaps one of the most misuood magial reatures…

    mgonagall’s transfiguran exam was set up muh like snape’s pons exam the first half was a writing sen and the seond half was a pratial drao finished writing the essay (what is the differene between transfiguring inanimate objets to animate ones and transfiguring animate objets to inanimate ones?) and turned the parhment over it diseared and a small box with a note on top eared in its pe a small garden snake was in the box, stated the note, and the pratial half of the exam was to turn the snake into a goblet drao fliked open the th on the box and let the snake rawl out on his desk feeling for the magial urrents in the room, he thed onto one h over the window, an earthen urrent he gently guided it into the snake’s aura, blending the two and then began to mold the earth urrent into that of something with gold and gems

    harry was having a more diffiult time of the pratial than drao

    “but i don’t want to beome a goblet!” his snake hissed pitifully “they’re no fun! if i have to beome something, make me something that goes pes and sees things!”

    harry frowned the snake ontinued to break his oran with its whining about how it did not want to beome a goblet and he was sure he ouldn’t ask mgonagall if he ould transform it into something else simply beause the snake liked it better!

    frowning he losed his eyes and tried to blok out the snake’s speeh as he thought of all the aspets of a water goblet

    harry ned most of wednesday in preparan for his astronomy exam drao had taken it the night before, so the two of them just stayed in bed until lunh when drao dragged them out to get something to eat then drao had to take his a runes exam as harry attempted to get more sleep but sleep was not forthoming, and harry found himself envining many disastrous meetings between the dursleys and drao the astronomy exam left harry exhausted for his history of magi exam as he tried to write down everything he remembered about the wizard-troll wars of 1000 bbsp; finishing the exam he was very hy to simply fall asleep on his desk ron woke him shortly after the exam was finished and they headed for herbology

    harry’s herbology exam took pe in greenhouse four, whih had been divided into sens by fogged gss walls, so that one ouldn’t see what was going on inside them professor sprout told them that there was a different pnt inside eah sen of the greenhouse and that they eah had to pik one one inside they had to identify the pnt by writing its name on the gss and had to harvest whatever useful items they ould from the pnt

    harry randomly piked a sen and walked in to see a smallish, bushy pnt with long leaves that looked like hair he looked at it for a minute before traing gon tree on the fog-overed gss walls the name was deeptive, sine the pnt was atually a bush, and harry was almost positive that’s what the pnt was now all he had to do was get to the small leaves under the hair-like ones, and he would be done

    harry emerged with a handful of small leaves and dropped them in the small binto the gss wall as he headed towards the exit, he paused by drao’s sen the blond was p a think golden liquid into the ontainer outside th
