《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读81

    drao frowned thoughtfully “i think i remember my mother spoke of her one, something about being a disgrae to the family”

    “her mother married a muggle”

    “that would expin it but if she’s reted to my mother she’s the only other female retive i’ve got”

    “i’ll write to her about it if you want,” harry offered, adding the names of those in the da to the list before handing it bak to drao

    “sure” drao sanned down the list of names as harry made a mental note to ask tonks to look as malfoyish as she ould to the wedding

    “you put a house elf on here?” drao looked up inredulously from where he read dobby’s name

    harry shrugged

    harry realized that the invitans had been sent out when dobby eared on top of his pons assigs, luthing the letter and howling

    “mister harry potter sir! dobby is so honored to be asked to your wedding like a wizard sir!”

    “um…it’s no problem dobby,” harry tried to soothe the house elf the door to his and drao’s bedroom opened and drao leaned against the doorway in obus amusement as the house elf ontinued to tell harry how wonderful he was to send a house elf an invitan harry looked up at him with a pleading expresn, but drao shook his head

    “you got yourself into it, you get yourself out,” he spoke under dobby’s hysterial words

    harry debated about when to tell drao about the dursleys he realized that he would have to spend enough time with them to renew the proten that they unwittingly gave him for his st summer with them he was under no illun that he would be let bak into their house one he graduated hogwarts, not that he would have gone bak anyway, but for one more summer he needed that proten beause of his veriae bond to drao, he would either be pulled to where drao was at night or drao would be pulled to where he was that meant drao would have to spend those same few weeks at the dursleys with him

    of ourse, her the dursleys nor drao would like that drao would hate them immediately beause the dursleys were as muggle as you an get, and then beause of how they would treat him for being a magial reature, whih was ertainly worse than being a wizard for their part, the dursleys would hate drao beause he was a magial reature pure and simple but then, if they found out that drao was his fiané…well, that was definitely not normal to the dursleys

    “you’re too quiet you must be thinking,” drao ommented from where he was finishing up his a runes essay before bed

    “i’m thinking about the summer”

    “what about the summer?”

    “well, you know how i lived with muggles? i’ll have to go bak there for the few weeks before the wedding”


    harry sighed “yes i do there’s some proten ward that they give me beause we’re reted by blood, or that’s what dumbledore said so i have to go bak there eah summer to renew it, at least until i finish hogwarts”

    “you do realize that i will have to be there for those few weeks as well”

    “yes,” harry replied miserably

    “i won’t like it”

    “they won’t either”

    it wasn’t until after drao had already fallen asleep that harry realized drao had said “i won’t like it” and not “i won’t go”

    ron seemed to wilt in his hair as mgonagall neared the gryffindor table with a stak of parhments, while opposite him herne seemed to glow with exitement

    harry muttered “thanks” when she handed him his exam shedule ron was refusing to look at his or at like it existed herne was p over hers, like a first year on the first day of shool harry looked down at his with trepidan as he piled more breakfast on his pte

    the week of exams was broken into three exam bloks per day the m blok, the afternoon blok, and the astronomy blok sine those exams had to be done at night monday, harry had pons in the m sesn and divinan in the afternoon sesn tuesday was care of magial creatures in the m, and transfiguran in the afternoon wednesday harry only had his astronomy exam in the night blok thursday was history of magi in the m and herbology in the afternoon and friday was charms in the m and defense against the dark arts in the afternoon blok

    ron looked over harry’s shoulder to see what his first exam was and nodded sagely “pons first it’s the end of the world as you know it” he raised his pumpkin juie in salute “good luk with that”

    chapter 40: shool year’s end

    harry stared glumly at his breakfast, only half-listening to herne reminding him of st minute fats and tips

    “herne, i’m going to fail anyway with snape grading me”

    ron shot his friend a sympatheti look “look, herne, snape will grade him the same whether he’s right or wrong”

    harry ignored the ensuing argument as herne ouldn’t fathom a teaher grading someone wrong when they answered the quesn orretly, and ron iing that this was snape so of ourse he would do something like that

    harry strethed his fingers as he looked down at the final quesn ensnared in a protetive ing bubble, he was only vaguely aware of his ssmates some were still sribbling fuusly on the written porn of the exam only drao and herne had started the pratial sidering that those two would most likely finish way before the time limit, he figured he would have enough time to finish

    define both positive and ive oran and state how eah would alter the effets of an invisibility pon

