《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读80

    “oh, and harry?” harry looked up “when you and malfoy have figured out the invitan list, we want to publish it”

    “you want to what!”

    “publish the guest list well, invitan list, but anyone who gets an invitan will be going”

    “but why?”

    “so that we an kik out all reporters during the atual eremony,” ron expined “if we give them all the details of who will be there and so on before the eremony we an keep out all reporters for the real thing beause there won’t be anything left to say”

    “i guess,” harry’s head was bak in the book “but we haven’t even thought of who to invite yet”

    “you haven’t, but i bet malfoy has,” ron muttered

    “hey, what do you think of this one?” harry asked, turning the book so his friends ould see the design and ompletely ign ron’s muttering

    the style was for long, three yered robes the innermost yer was a white dress shirt and bk dress trousers the seond yer was a full length inner robe in the familial olors, with long tapered sleeves the third yer was a simple, yet elegant, bk outer robe that looked rather ape-like

    “i think they’d look lovely, harry,” herne said, looking from the design to harry as if she was pituring him wearing it

    “the outer yer looks kinda like what malfoy’s dad used to wear,” ron observed

    “yeah, i thought drao might like that”

    “what are you going to do about your familial olors?” herne asked

    “i wrote to lupin about that, asking what my family’s olors were and arently the potter bloodline was too reent a bloodline to have a tradin as old as family olors but sine sirius was my godfather, he suggested i use the bk family olors so i’ll be wearing green and bronze to my wedding”

    “what’s malfoy wearing?”

    “purple and gold”

    when harry returned from sending hedwig off to madam malkin with the design, olors, and measurements for his and drao’s wedding robes he found drao sprawled out on the sofa in their rooms looking down at a sroll of parhment as harry entered, he added another line at the bottom of the sroll and looked up

    “what’ha up to?” harry asked, dropping his books on the armhairto the sofa

    “guest list do you think we should inlude all of our teahers or just the heads of our houses?”

    harry blinked, getting a sudden image of trewney at his wedding and hoping fervently that her “inner eye” would tell her that the day of his wedding was not a good day for her to leave her tower “all of them i guess”

    drao nodded and went bak to sribbling names

    “who else do you have on there?” harry asked, leaning over drao’s shoulder to see

    “just the slytherins i want to invite i didn’t get to your people yet”

    harry grinned “i guess i should write those then”

    drao handed harry the sroll “yes you should”

    as harry read through those drao had written, he noted that the only slytherins that were on the parhment were those who had baked drao when it was revealed that he was a veriae and when it was revealed that he was engaged to harry harry noted that snape was not on the list

    “what about snape?”

    “he’s my losest familial retive he doesn’t get an invitan, so to speak, sine he’s part of the eremony”

    harry frowned in the middle of writing down ron’s name “speaking of retives, who are you going to e with?”

    “i haven’t deided what to do about that yet”

    “i won’t allow death eaters at my wedding”

    drao snorted “my godfather is a death eater”

    “you know what i mean ones that atually want me dead”

    drao ughed “i’m ertain there are some days when my godfather really does want you dead, harry”

    “on those days the feeling is mutual and you’re avoiding the quesn,” harry replied as he finished adding mr and mrs weasley to the list after fred, gee, bill, charlie, and ginny he thought for a moment about whether to invite pery or not and then deided against it the ties between pery and the rest of the weasley family were strained at best now, and he didn’t want to aggravate that

    “on my father’s side of the family, i have no other retives sine he was an only hild and his father was an only hild before him i won’t ask narissa, and i won’t ask betrix”

    “what about tonks?”


    “nymphadora tonks”

