《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读79

    drao ontinued writing the silene strethed for a few minutes, broken only by the sound of drao’s quill srathing the parhment



    “how muh are you sending him?”

    drao grinned devilishly, ripping off a rge srap of parhment and sribbling a figure on it “well the normal prie for one marrying into the malfoy family is this” he dropped the parhmentto harry

    harry gaped “what?” had he really ounted those zeros right? “you’re kidding!”

    “of ourse,” drao drawled thoughtfully “sidering that you’re the-boy-who- lived and all, deorum would state that i double it”

    “double it?” harry was instantly awake, trying to alute how rge a figure that was he ouldn’t “that’s razy! how many vaults are you going to have to empty for that?”

    drao frowned “i think it’ll take about a sixteenth of one of the minor vaults yeah, that’s about right maybe one seveh, but that’s not taking into aount the i that has added up sine the st time i heked the value”

    harry stared at him, mouth agape “drao with that muh money, remus ould live like a king for the rest of his life”

    drao grinned “are you implying that you won’t? you’re going to be a malfoy, harry” he leaned forward to whisper, “we live better than kings,” before apturing harry’s mouth in a brief kiss

    chapter 39: preparans

    the teapot whistled, breaking remus lupin out of his train of thought without setting down the neer lipping he was reading, he stood and walked the short length of the kithen to the stove, took the kettle off the small fme and set it on the ounter absently

    his eyes turned bak to the headline of the artile and the stated author below herne granger returning to the table with a up of tea, lupin set the artileto two others herne’s artile had eared the day before in the prophet an artile by ronald weasley had eared in the quibbler and one, sent to him by mrs weasley, authored by ginny weasley had eared in with weekly all three artiles were on the same topi: harry potter’s e to drao malfoy lupin had to smile lightly at the skill behind the three writers they had obusly olborated and split all the fats evenly between the three artiles so that eah one would present new details

    but it was the topi that was puzzling lupin the st he knew, drao malfoy and harry were not on the best of terms to put things lightly and he doubted that herne, ron, and ginny were writing falsities about harry of ourse, one had to wonder why the three were writing about harry at all but then he remembered albus had menned some rather strange artiles had eared about harry in the prophet a while ago maybe this was to make sure that if things had to be printed they weren’t detrimental to harry

    there was a srathing at the window whih aused lupin to look up from the artiles two owls were seated there, waiting to be let inside one he reognized as hedwig, the other he did not know it was a proud-looking eagle owl, whose feathers were so dark they were almost bk lupin rossed to the window and opened it, letting the two owls fly in

    the eagle owl dropped its letter on the table and left, but hedwig remained on the table, wathing lupin

    lupin took harry’s letter from her, opened it, and began to read

    dear professor lupin,

    as you’ve probably already seen what herne, ron, or ginny have written about me, i won’t bother to repeat what they’ve said beause it’s true i’m engaged to drao malfoy and the wedding is set for a few weeks after shool but in the tradin of wizarding weddings, sine there’s no way that drao would agree to a muggle one, i have to be aompanied by my losest male guardian i was w if you wouldn’t mind being my familial guardian now that sirius is dead, but as drao has already sent his own letter to you i’m a little te in asking but i figured i should ask anyway please send your reply bak with hedwig


    lupin reahed aross the table to where his own quills and parhment sat and srawled:

    dear harry,

    i would be honored to be your familial guardian

    remus lupin

    as hedwig soared off towards hogwarts, lupin reahed for the letter that was, as harry stated, bearing the malfoy rest

    dear professor lupin,

    in following with tradin, i have instruted gringotts to pe the amount listed below in your vault in honor of the upoming marriage between myself and harry potter i look forward to seeing you at the wedding

    drao luius malfoy

    lupin looked at the number listed after the sripted name and blinked that was a lot of galleons

    as the weeks passed, more teahers started to begin their letures with “beause exams are oming up in a few weeks” or “in order to prepare you for your exams” the amount of homework that harry reeived was almost doubled as “review” assigs were added to the regur homework and harry still had to deal with the omments about the wedding oming from different ssmates

    of ourse, they ontinued to remind him that it was he who had to buy both his and drao’s robes for the wedding theof the robes was standard both he and drao would have to wear the olors that represented their families, with a white band on the sleeve to signify that the robes were for a wedding but harry hadn’t known there were so many styles of these “offiial robes” until a rather rge book of designs had been fored on him by a group of bashful ravenw girls

    “how am i supposed to hoose?” harry grumbled to ron “i an’t even see the differene between these two!”

    herne peered over his shoulder and pointed to the olr of the robes “this set has e and the other doesn’t”

    “and that makes a differene?” harry moaned

    “just pik one and be done with it
