《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读78

    “the gryffindorks ear the same way though,” drao smirked “but i think you have another ategory to add: those that think it’s the best idea ever and the utest thing in the universe” harry groaned as drao hanged his voie to mimi the girls they’d just left as best he ould

    if dinner was any indian of the temperament of hogwarts students, harry was exeedingly gd that he’d skipped lunh he barely had a hane to eat

    “what were you thinking harry?”

    “it’s malfoy harry!”

    “someone quik! chek for a dark spell! he an’t be ating of his own mind”

    “but it’s so adorable!”

    “are you razy! it’s horrible! you’re not atually going through with it, right harry?”

    “harry? you’re not really getting married, are you?”

    and it was about at this moment that they saw his ring again, the reans were varied, but foreful harry’s arm was dragged towards everyone that ould reah so that they ould get a better look at it and disern that it was, in fat, an e ring

    over on the slytherin side harry ould see that drao was faring only slightly better the slytherin students seemed to be quieter with their inquisitive statements, but more vus

    there was a sudden tter and smash of food and utlery falling to the floor, as well as the soft whimpering of someone who’d been hit before snape’s voie roared out:

    “mr zabini, you will not at in suh a manner towards your fellow students!”

    harry peered over ron’s head to see bise standing over a seventh year slytherin, his fist still urled from the punh that broke the student’s jaw drao, sittingto where bise was standing, looked nonplussed about the entire situan, but his eyes showed a slight irritan towards the student sprawled on the floor

    “he’s not going to get in trouble for that,” ron muttered “you an tell snape’s just making a show of it he’s not really angry at all”

    harry olpsed, books and all, onto the bed, ompletely exhausted

    “going to leave me any room, harry?”

    harry’s reply was something between a “mufgh” and a “gfruf” before he lifted his head partway off the mattress “not at all wake me for exams”

    “i doubt even you ould sleep for almost three months”

    a muffled, “i an try,” was his answer

    drao rolled his eyes, shifting harry’s books off the bed and onto the floor where they nded in a heap then he shifted harry’s legs from where they had been gling off the bed to a more restful posin harry murmured his thanks

    “stay awake a bit longer, harry,” drao said as he pulled out a roll of parhment, ink, quill, wax, and the stamp with the malfoy rest arved on it

    harry half rolled himself onto his side so he ould peer at what drao was writing “who are you writing to?”

    “i don’t know exatly, harry you’ll have to tell me”


    “i’m paying your prie, harry you have to selet aof kin for me to send it to though”

    harry blushed red at the word “prie” and buried his head in a pillow

    drao pulled it out from under him “you must know who is losest to you in family status, harry”

    harry was silent for a moment then he mumbled something into the sheets so all that drao heard was: “-mus”


    “remus remus lupin”

    “the werewolf?” drao asked inredulously

    harry nodded family-wise, remus was his losest wizarding kin he doubted drao would want to send anything to the dursleys, muh less money from the malfoy family vault

    drao was still staring at him “how exatly does that work?”

    “he and my father were friends in shool,” harry replied, fighting off a yawn and now that his godfather was gone, he was the st link harry had to his real parents

    drao nodded thoughtfully “i think that qualifies then”

    “unless you’d rather send it to my muggle retives” harry ouldn’t resist

    drao grimaed “no”

    “ok then remus it is”

