《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读77

    harry was pulled off the floor and pushed towards his trunk with a shove

    “we have five minutes before sses start!”


    “divinan for you, harry you’ll have to run”

    drao earedto harry, fully dressed in his shool uniform—how did he manage to do that so fast anyway!—and groaned at harry’s state of undress

    “you an’t go to ss in your nightshirt, potter! move it!”

    it was perhaps the use of his st name that finally jolted harry out of his sleepy stupor “fine, drao, i’m going! look, just go to ss trewney won’t miss me if i’m not there for the first few minutes”

    the blond hovered for a moment, as if making sure harry did indeed begin to get ready for ss, before leaving at a run

    harry entered the inense-den room as quietly as he ould, but he’d fotten that one of the floorboards near the door squeaked

    “ah! harry my dear!” harry jumped as trewney seemed to materialize beside him “it is so good to see you did not take the shortut through the fourth floor orridor! had you done so i foresaw that you would have met your utter demise” she fixed him with a dreamy smile that reminded him strangely of the look luna normally wore “your inner eye must be expanding for you to have begun to realize the ws of fate so well!”

    harry nodded mutely, trying to ignore the sniggers oming from one orner of the room that were undeniably ron’s

    “take your seat dear, your ssmates will fill you in on what they are w on”

    “harry sit over here!”

    harry looked over to see padma waving him over toward where she and almost the ey of the female popun of the divinan ss were sitting there was one empty hair harry looked over at ron with a pleading gesture but his friend ould only shrug sympathetially as trewney shooed him over to the girls

    harry sat and it was as if he had been atapulted into a pratie room for dueling spells only the spells weren’t spells, but a barrage of whispered quesns

    “harry! why didn’t you tell me you were like that? we ould have gone shopping!”

    “harry! what did drao do when he proposed to you?”

    “was it romanti harry?”

    “did anything hen, harry?”

    “bsp;i help with the wedding harry?”

    “am i invited to the wedding harry?”

    “bsp;i be in the wedding harry?”

    harry sent another pleading look at ron who was barely holding in his ughter “um, you’ll have to talk to drao about the partiurs he’s doing the anizing of the wedding,” harry mumbled as softly as he ould

    there was a shriek of delight and harry wondered how unnatural girls must be in order to atually reah that range of sound

    “that’s so romanti!”

    “wanting it to be a surprise!”

    harry groaned inwardly i wonder what trewney would say if i told her i would in fat not be killed by voldemort but by being smothered with quesns…maybe i should tell her that all the whispering is louding my budding inner eye…

    harry attempted to ath up to ron when the ss ended, but to no avail the girls pratially dragged him from the room, their voies resuming their usual volume harry was overwhelmed by quesns on all sides and by the pure noise of it all as they half-walked, half-dragged him through the hallways of hogwarts words melded together as he ouldn’t pik out whih girl was asking whih quesn anymore

    and then his knight in shining armor eared exept his knight wasn’t exatly in armor, but in standard bk hogwarts robes with a slytherin badge embzoned upon them

    “exuse me girls, but harry seems a bit flustered mind if i ut in?”

    an arm ed around harry’s waist and steered him away from the gaggle of girls who ooed and awed as harry was led away from them

    “how do they make those noises without going deaf?” harry wondered as they turned a orner and drao let go of him

    “that is a mystery that i have often wondered about i believe it is not something the male gender is supposed to solve,” drao drawled

    harry shook his head his ears were still ringing “well, i guess it ould have been worse”

    “oh believe me, harry, go down to the slytherin part of the shool and it’ll get worse”

    “what hened?”

    “nothing yet they’re divided in opin if you ask me” drao tiked eah opin off on a finger as he spoke “one part is just onfused and unsure if the whole thing is real or not one part has deided that, if i hadn’t been already, i am now the epitome of betrayal and the third part just doesn’t are, and is waiting to see what beomes of the whole thing first”

    “that’s nie of them,” harry muttered

