《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读76

    as the woman writhed on the floor, voldemort shook his head sadly “one would think you would know to listen to me by now, narissa”

    harry jolted awake from peaeful slumber, not sure of why he was waking so suddenly the boy beside him shifted and pulled him loser against his hest, one wing draping over the two of them, the new feathersthem and the other feathers that had been shed earlier that night harry frowned in the darkness, thinking he only ever woke up lently like that when he had one of those dreams of voldemort hurting someone, but beause of his bond with drao he ould not see or feel those dreams anymore

    “harry, why are you awake?” drao mumbled against the bak of his head

    “i think voldemort was t someone tonight”

    “so? not your problem sleep”

    “but i’m w who it was”

    “the only way you’d know that is to experiene the dream” drao yawned he’d been pulled from his own sleep by the bond harry must have been worried “and that won’t hen, so why worry about it?”

    “but what if it’s—”

    “harry, you’d rather dream of voldemort than me? i’m hurt” drao smirked sleepily

    “i don’t dream of you, you self-entered git just of your wings”

    “my wings are part of me, harry admit it, you dream of me”

    “i’m not saying anything”

    “good, so i an go bak to sleep now”

    snape felt the dark mark burn and hurried to retrieve his death eater robes and mask before heading out of the boundaries of hogwarts to arate to the side of “his lord”

    “severusss narissa has spouting ausans towards you”

    snape took in the woman standing, looking more than a little shaken, off to the side of the room she’d been put under cr he ould see the symptoms “what ausans my lord?”

    “she says you are no longer loyal to me, severus she speaks of young malfoy’s e to potter what do know about this, severus? did you allow this?”

    snape felt voldemort probing subtly at his mind and he instintively losed off all memories exept for the one moment when drao asked him for permisn to request e the seond time, the time when potter’s name had not been menned “he did not tell me who he was going to propose to, my lord had i known i would not have sanned it” he drew up the emons he remembered from long ago, during the years when he had truly believed in voldemort’s ause and pushed them towards the surfae of his mind

    voldemort smiled “i should not have doubted you, severus you may go, and extend my regards to your godson make sure he uands the onsequenes of his ans”

    “i will, my lord”

    chapter 38: divin

    herne worriedly sanned the great hall one more time for the seemingly only missing students for breakfast that mto her ron was not nearly as worried, hatting with seamus and dean about some quiddith reted topi

    “harry and malfoy still aren’t here!” herne hissed in his ear

    “rex herne,” ron grinned “they’re probably just sleeping in”

    “but the artiles!”

    the grin dropped off ron’s fae “what? that’s today!”

    herne nodded

    the redhead groaned and turned bak to his eggs as if to look for soe by doing so “well, at least they’re putting out a united front then”


    “they’re both skipping the publiity”

    herne rolled her eyes “that won’t help them! it will just make it look worse!”

    as owls began to swoop through the rafters of the hall ron smiled wryly “well, there’s nothing we an do about it now, herne”

    harry sighed and led his fae deeper into his pillow when that pillow moaned at the an harry didn’t think twie about it, already drifting bak into dreams but when drao suddenly bolted upright, throwing harry ompletely off of where he had been draped over his torso, harry protested

    “shut it harry, we’ve missed breakfast!”

    “wha’r you talking…” harry trailed off into a yawn maybe sleeping on the old floor wouldn’t be so bad…

    “get up harry!”

