《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读75

    “listen, harry, i’m sorry about what i said earlier”

    harry blinked what?

    “i’m not saying i won’t have some problems with you and malfoy and i an’t promise to suddenly like him or anything but i’m not going to stop you from living your life…and if that means letting you marry malfoy, then i’ll let you do it”

    harry was shoked “that’s…thanks ron”

    ron grinned sheepishly “no problem, harry”

    drao was almer when he emerged, dripping, from his shower…but not muh almer if he was surprised to see harry waiting for him when he entered the bedroom, he didn’t show it

    “what are you grinning at?”

    “you talked to ron”

    “if that’s what you all talking, harry, then i wonder what you all arguing or throwing insults at eah other”

    harry just shrugged and leaned bak against the headboard of the bed “he said not to expet him to suddenly be friends with you but he’s ok with our e”

    drao rolled his eyes as he sat on the foot of the bed to finally finish the work he’d been pnning to do before the weasel had shown up “i’ll tell you not to expet us ever to be friends, but hopefully you uand that already”

    “did i ever ask you to be friends?” harry grinned lopsidedly “that would be asking for a mirale i might as well ask voldemort to go kill himself for me while i’m at it”

    drao ouldn’t help the smirk “i always thought spontaneous ombusn would be a good way for him to die”

    harry ughed at the idea as drao began to sketh his arithmany problem “herne had an idea about how to get bak at rita skeeter for that artile before”

    “really? do tell” drao frowned absently as he began to take the rudimentary equan and expand it to fit the problem

    “she and some others are going to write artiles about us detailed ones, with details that only they an get beause they’re our peers then they’re going to sell them to different publians with the agreement that for ontinued rman on us none of rita skeeter’s artiles an be published by those publians”

    “sounds good…wait, what?” drao looked up from his aluns

    “you agreed to it too te to bak out now” harry grinned

    drao sighed “whatever as long as i get to see these artiles before they’re published” and he went bak to his aluns

    harry peered over his shoulder “that looks like a lot of numbers and gibberish to me”

    “that’s exatly what it is, harry, and that’s why the answer’s not oming out the way i want it to” and drao reahed for another sheet of parhment to start the problem all over again

    “they need a date, though”

    “a date for what?”

    “our marriage eremony”

    “oh that”

    “oh that? that’s all you say?”

    “sorry, theta’s avoiding me right now and that’s the alun i need for the influener on the future then i take that and multiply it by beta and i get the answer”

    “didn’t you just do that?”

    “no, i divided by gamma”

    “you lost me…anyway, the date?”

    “you pik one, i don’t are just make it after the shool year is done”

    harry grinned wryly at drao’s orated sribbling “i have a feeling you’ll want to hange that answer ter i’ll ask again when you’re not w on something”

    “i speak the truth, my lord severus gave his blessing for their e he said so!”

    “you lie, narissa severus would not betray me”

    “my lord, i heard him with my own ears he said—”

    “i do not are what you heard, narissa i tell you that severus would never betray me you will leave my presene now”

    “but my lord—”


