《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读74

    “but you knew harry—”

    “yes i knew harry liked him, merlin knows i walked in on them kissing before, but that’s not liking—what i saw down there” ron sighed “i just never thought anything real would ome of it”

    “do you trust harry’s judgment?” herne whispered

    “i trust harry i don’t trust malfoy if it were anyone else but malfoy, i’d be hy for him!”

    herne smiled “i’m sure there are some people you’d have a problem with, ron”

    despite himself, ron grinned “yeah, i’d have a problem if it were voldemort…or s that still doesn’t hange the fat that i just don’t like this…ommitment they’re getting into”

    herne thought for a moment, staring into the firepe and roking ron bak and forth slowly “well, if you trust harry to make the right dein about what his heart wants, then i think what you have to do is talk to malfoy before you talk to harry you…we know harry we know that he’s true to what he feels we don’t know malfoy the way we know harry i think…before you make a dein on how to at about this, if they really aren’t breaking off the e, you have to talk to malfoy”

    drao almost ignored medusa when she rmed him that there was someone to see him on the other side of the portrait he was almost finished with the st of the work he needed to do to ath up in his sses but he put down his quill and walked over to the portrait-door anyway

    ronald weasley was the one who had been waiting

    “harry’s not here right now” drao moved to lose the portrait but ron stopped him

    “i know he’s with herne i want to talk to you”

    drao’s lip urled “and you assume that i want to talk to you you are mistaken”

    ron visibly held bak whatever retort wanted to ome out of his mouth “i need to talk to you about harry”

    harry frowned slightly something was strange with drao he wasn’t in ger but still…the bond was ating up

    “i have to go herne”

    the girl looked startled “why?”

    harry smiled sheepishly “i fot my pons book i’ll be right bak”

    as harry esaped into the hallway, herne looked over at the books he’d brought with him

    “but your pons book is right there…”

    “talk quikly weasel, before you try my patiene”

    “you don’t have any patiene, malfoy,” ron quipped before he ould stop himself, “but i want to know what your ns are towards harry”

    an eyebrow rose in a moking query “and what gives you the right to disuss that with me?”

    “i don’t need a right i’m his friend and i’m not yours so while i trust his deins, i quesn your motives”

    “you’re afraid i’ll hurt him your fears are not unfounded, but i annot hurt him any more than i an hurt myself”

    “i know what being a veriae entails, malfoy, and that doesn’t make me feel any better about this”

    “are you waiting for a deran of undying love from me? beause if you are you’ll get one but if i were to say suh things, i would say them in harry presene and harry’s alone”

    to drao’s surprise, a smile spread aross ron’s fae “but i’ll hear it at your wedding anyway, so what differene does it make?”

    drao’s eyes narrowed suspusly “what are you asking?”

    “i’m asking if when you kiss harry, do you feel anything besides your own narissisti feelings for yourself?”

    “get out of my sight, weasley,” drao snarled “do you think i would kiss him if i didn’t?”

    and drao smmed the portrait losed, ign medusa’s protests

    chapter 37: mahinan

    harry almost ran into ron as he turned a orner

    “ron? why are you down here?”

    “i had to talk to malfoy”


