《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读73

    pushing the rest of his dessert in crabbe’s diren, drao stood up from the slytherin table and followed harry

    harry walked down to the ke, ompletely unaware of the veriae following him at a distane he was torn between several emons whih were battling for ontrol anger at ron assuming that his e with drao wasn’t real, worry beause maybe ron was right, fear that ron was right, self-loathing for being upset at ron beause there was no way ron ould have known harry’s feelings about the e it wasn’t as if harry had told him but how ould he? from his rean that afternoon, it was obus that ron was not ready to uand how his feelings for drao had hanged ron hadn’t gone through what harry had, so of ourse he ouldn’t uand this shift of emon

    harry sighed, shivering against the old night air and what would he do ? what ould he do ? he knew that if he waited and didn’t tell ron it would just make things worse ter ron would find out from someone else or in some other way and then he would feel that harry had not trusted him, or worse betrayed him

    and then what if ron was right? drao had seemed seus very seus and before that, when he’d brought up the opn of e the first time, drao wouldn’t even think of it beause he didn’t want to have a fake e but…drao had never atually said they were truly getting married they hadn’t talked about it at all in fat

    “you know, i’m almost positive that it’s been proven that standing around outside without warm lothing leads to problems with your health but i ould be wrong,” a voie drawled from behind him and harry looked up to see drao wathing him looking bemused

    “i needed to think about something,” harry muttered turning bak to look at the ke

    “does your mind not work unless it’s below freezing? e to think of it, that would expin a lot”

    in spite of himself harry grinned at drao’s omment as the blond moved to stand beside him

    “so what did they do this time?” drao asked after a moment


    drao sighed “it’s obus that something hened either before or during dinner to make you this way, and you were up in the gryffindor tower before that so what did they do?” he expined as if he were speaking to someone who does not think very fast

    “ron…said something”

    “ah, weasel i should have guessed”

    “don’t all him that”

    “when he’s making you upset i’ll all him what i want”

    “i’m not upset”

    “of ourse, and that’s why you’re standing out here attempting to freeze yourself”

    “he really didn’t say anything…muh he just saw the e ring and asked me at what date we were going to break it off”

    drao gred at the snow on the ground as if it were offending him “how unouth”

    harry looked down at the snow as well “we’re…not going to break it off though, right?”

    drao was silent for a moment “i’ll expin my answer in two ways logi would remind us that even when we leave here, it will not hange the fat that i am a veriae and i am bonded to you we will have to live together regardless, and would not be able to marry anyone else anyway therefore, there is no reason to break it off”

    harry felt hurt by this expnan for a reason he ould not fathom he would have to live with drao for the rest of his life, he knew that but just having that as a reason behind e and then marriage…

    but drao did not give him time to finish that thought beause he ontinued speaking

    “and for the seond way…” drao’s hand lifted harry’s hin so that harry’s eyes aught his own the blond leaned loser to whisper in harry’s ear “i will remind you that it is i whom you are engaged to and i would not allow anything to break our e”

    drao’s mouth found harry’s and harry was lost in a tide of what made drao…drao malfoy arrogant, possessive, self-assured, quik to anger, yet young, needful and veriae his arms ed around drao’s shoulders, drawing him lose he ould feel drao’s hands slide down his loak to rest at the small of his bak, and he ould feel the two rings drao wore through his lothing as though they burned upon his skin the malfoy sig ring and the malfoy e ring the right one that, mirrored on his hand, marked him as drao’s and marked drao’s as his own

    herne looked up as ron fell down into the sofa opposite her in the slowly emptying gryffindor on room

    “i just sent ginny to the owlery with the letters we wrote,” she told him

    “that’s good” ron’s voie sounded listless and unaring herne frowned, notiing his haggard earane

    “what’s wrong?”

    “everything!” ron shouted, startling the two first-years who were whispering to eah other in a orner he fell bak defted against the sofa’s bak “and nothing,” he whispered “i don’t know what to do”

    herne moved to his side and held out her arms to him as he fell into their seurity she pulled him lose “what hened?”

    “i saw them harry and malfoy”

    herne waited as ron paused, not rushing his words

    “i don’t think…that they’re going to break off the e…ever”


    “i saw them kissing—again—down by the ke i know they’d have to keep up earanes but that was going too far whatever they’re feeling, it’s real, herne”

    herne roked him slowly as he trailed off again

    “i don’t know what to think! i don’t know what to do! he’s my best friend, but it…it’s malfoy!”

