《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读72

    “june fifth”

    “and how old are you?”


    fudge’s smile was one of a hild in a andy store “so you are not onsidered of legal status in—”


    harry’s voie ut off fudge’s statement before the minister ould ontinue in that self-assured tone

    “drao is onsidered of legal status”

    “and why is that?” fudge asked, turning a look upon harry that was somewhere between loathing and satisfan

    “beause harry and i are engaged,” drao’s alm voie ut into the tenn of the room

    the members of the wizengamot began to whisper to eah other as fudge stared at drao as if the blond had just done something very abnormal

    “well, then…er—”

    “minister, we must be sure that, sine this is a legal ase, they did not pantomime an e in order that drao be onsidered legal for this moment alone,” narissa’s voie dripped poison “now, harry potter has no wizarding blood retives, but as stated by te ex-husband in his will, drao has a familial guardian professor snape, did you give your permisn for drao to propose e to harry?”

    harry realized why she sounded so smug she thought that snape would have refused to allow drao to propose e to him beause she thought him a loyal death eater

    “i gave drao permisn to propose e to anyone he felt worthy of himself,” snape stated oldly, staring down the blond woman aross the room

    “well then,” the little with on fudge’s right leared her throat for attenn “sine drao malfoy is engaged, by w he is onsidered legal to hold property, thus there is no reason why he should not i what was written by luius malfoy in his will all in favor?”

    six members of seven raised their hands immediately, fudge raising his a moment or so after the others

    chapter 36: marked as his, marked as mine

    herne and ron found harry almost immediately after he and drao stepped onto the shool grounds during their enthusiasti greeting, drao slipped into the throng of students esaping from their st ss of the day and harry found himself guided to the gryffindor on room

    “so what hened harry?” herne asked

    “drao won”

    “what!” ron sputtered “how?”

    harry started to expin what had hened, but herne interrupted him

    “harry, what’s that on your finger?”

    harry looked down at the ring that sat on the ring finger of his left hand the gold glinted and the diamonds sparkled in the afternoon light

    “um…it’s a ring?” harry answered her quesn awkwardly

    ron’s hand shot out and grabbed harry’s, bringing it loser so that he ould look at it more losely

    “this is an e ring,” ron said at length when harry didn’t respond, ron ontinued “this is how malfoy won, isn’t it?”

    “yes,” harry said simply

    herne was wathing ron arefully, as if unsure of what the redhead’s rean would be but she was surprised when ron smiled heerfully and leaned bak in his seat with an almost wistful expresn

    “gotta give malfoy redit for that idea, although i still would rather he lost did he menn yet when you’ll be breaking it off?”


    ron shrugged “oh well ’t do it that soon anyway you’ll have to keep up earanes for a while guess this is where we ome in, right “ne?”

    herne was still onfused, looking between ron’s arefree expresn and harry’s sullen one “what ron?”

    “with your idea listen harry, herne had this idea in order to keep all the other reporters off your bak”

    herne arefully wathed ron and harry walk down to dinner harry was almost ign ron’s words, whih at the moment foused on the quesn of what malfoy had bribed harry with in order to get him to go along with the earane of e but herne notied that while harry hadn’t told ron his idea was wrong, he hadn’t enfored it either

    herne frowned slightly as they entered the great hall she would have to talk to harry soon and find out what was really going on

    drao was surprised to see that harry left dinner before him that evening then again, something had been off with harry ever sine they had gotten bak to shool from the trial but the rest of the golden t had looked the same as they normally did, so harry ouldn’t have told granger and weasley about the e yet not that drao bmed him after all, his own ring y under four or five onealment spells at the moment

