《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读71

    snape looked at drao for a long moment before replying “if the oan arose where you found someone whom you deemed worthy of e to yourself, as your godfather, i would hily give you permisn to propose to that person however, as your autor, i would only allow you to marry someone whom you not only deem worthy of yourself, but also deem worthy of sharing your very heart and soul with as per your veriae blood”

    drao nodded, turning to leave “don’t worry, godfather if i do say the vows, they will mean more than just words do”

    harry ouldn’t eat breakfast, just pushed his food around on his pte for a few minutes before finally giving up all hope of eating any of it and exusing himself from the table herne and ron wathed him leave the great hall worriedly, but they had not bothered to ask him what was on his mind today they already knew: today was monday

    drao was just leaving the bedroom when harry entered the portrait the blond was dressed in lothing that harry awkwardly realized were probably three times more than all his lothing put together he had again deviated from the hogwarts uniform to ear in lothing simir to what harry had first seen him wearing in diagon ally before he had started his first year at hogwarts

    “i notied you weren’t at breakfast,” harry muttered

    “i wasn’t pnning on having any,” was the risp reply

    harry shrugged now that he was in their rooms and in drao’s presene, he had nowhere to fous his ay

    “harry” harry looked up at drao’s almost hesitant tone “how seus were you on wednesday?”

    there was a quesn in the blonde’s silver eyes, one that harry was not sure he uood “i wouldn’t have said anything if i wasn’t seus” somehow he hoped that he’d said the right answer

    wordlessly, drao rossed the room to where harry was standing, piking up a small, nondesript box from the mantle as he did so he stopped in front of harry for a moment, looking down the few inhes that separated their heights, as if searhing for some truth in harry’s own gaze gently, drao dropped to one knee, his hand holding out the box toward harry

    “where i am gaius, there you are gaia?”

    harry’s breath aught in his throat and he blinked in astonishment “where i am gaia, there you are gaius,” he managed to say, using his own hand to open the box

    two rings sat side by side on a white pillow inside the box they were golden bands, enrusted in diamonds and opals and arved with the malfoy family rest engraved on the inside of one were the tradinal words for e rings, “ubi tu gaius”, and other the other “ubi tu gaia” as drao slipped the first onto harry’s finger, it shifted in size to fit; the same with the ring that harry ped on drao’s finger

    drao stood again and they stood there for a moment, both unsure of what to do

    “er—i suppose we should kiss now,” harry muttered, suddenly finding his shoes very iing

    drao did not respond, but a moment ter two fingers rested under harry’s hin, pushing his fae to an upward angle drao’s mouth desended to meet his own, like molten silver on magma drao’s lips ed over his own drao’s arms enirled harry’s waist to pull him loser, and harry groaned as the kiss beame more needful

    drao, harry and snape walked through the door that harry himself had walked through the summer before, when he had been harged with n of the deree for the reasonable restrin of underage sorery and the nal statute of serey

    the room had hanged very little sine harry’s st visit instead of the fifty or so members of the wizengamot there were seven, inluding one elius fudge who frowned slightly at harry’s presene the hair that he had sat in the year before was gone, and standing almost exatly in it’s pe was a short and hubby man his fae was round like a bowling ball, his hair salt and pepper gray, and he smiled broadly at drao as the blond rossed the room towards him drao nodded to him, his eyes foused on another oupant of the room, as if wary of her very presene

    narissa bk stood regally off to the side of the room, dressed in lothing as rih as drao’s she smiled oldly at her son, who ignored her gesture ompletely exept to mark her presene as a threat in the room her smile seemed to wane when harry stepped upto drao, as if she was unsure as to the reason of his presene in the room

    “welome gentlemen,” fudge’s smile oozed of fored politeness “shall we begin?”

    “by all means,” drao replied, nodding serenely to the members of the wizengamot seated before him

    “minister, if may ask one thing before we start i would like it made lear why harry potter is present he was not menned in my te ex-husband’s will and is not a part of the family his presene here is ompletely irrelevant” narissa’s voie was low and lilted, as if it was beh her to even use the words “harry potter” in a sentene

    “harry potter is family he is my veriae bonded and has every right to be here,” drao drawled

    the with to the right of fudge, a shallow, stik-like woman with graying auburn hair oked an eyebrow at that deran “then are we to believe that you are indeed a veraie, mr malfoy?”

    “i am”

    “and a magial reature annot i in a wizard’s will,” narissa stated primly

    “miss bk, let us begin by stating exatly what is at stake,” fudge smiled at her indulgently “and then you may bring up suh mons”

    the hubby man leared his throat and unrolled a parhment that he had been holding “this is the test will of the deeased luius sergius malfoy it was signed three days before his death”

    the man handed the parhment to fudge who began to read it as he ontinued speaking

    “proper authentiity harms have been ped upon it as you will see in
