《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读65

    “sribbling on a piee of parhment”

    herne gave him a look that showed she was not amused ron shrugged and returned to his breakfast “just tell me what you ome up with so i an help this time”

    harry managed to ut bise off in the hallway before the medusa portrait

    “get out of my way potter”

    “i don’t think i will”

    “i’m not in the mood to deal with you right now”

    “i don’t think drao’s in the mood to deal with you right now”

    bise’s eyes took on an raising look, like a at eyeing a anary “well, well, it seems as if rumors are true for one, potter don’t you think it’s strange that you’re using drao’s first name so asually? i don’t reall you doing so in preus years”

    harry refused to be baited “i really don’t are what you reall or not i think you must have a ss to get to, zabini why don’t you go there?”

    bise’s eyes narrowed as he took a step loser to harry harry didn’t move

    “i’ve got one thing to say to you, potter i’ve known drao sine i was four you an’t say the same i’m wathing you potter, and you’d better not hurt him “cause if you do, i’ll string you up before the dark lord faster than you ould draw your wand”

    “strange, and here i thought it was only drao you’d betray to the dark lord guess i was wrong”

    bise’s fae twisted in fury and his mouth opened to speak only to be ut off by a alm and iy voie

    “i think you should leave now, bise”

    drao stood off to one side as if he’d been wathing the sene unfold before him bise’s mouth sned shut with an audible lik he nodded one to drao, gred at harry, and walked bak up the orridor

    “you didn’t have to do that i ould have taken are of him,” drao said softly as bise rounded a orner and diseared from sight

    “i’m a gryffindor remember?” harry grinned lopsidedly at the blond “i do weird things like try to protet those i are about”

    drao swirled his pumpkin juie in his right hand as he waited for crabbe and goyle to finish their narrative of how they’d beaten on some first year hufflepuff that afternoon, nodding absently in their diren to show he was paying attenn his eyes sanned the room, meeting a few auus looks that were sent his way bise’s omment to harry had been aurate after all talk had been spreading why would it not, after all?

    he hid a smirk behind his goblet as he took a sip they were muh more subdued than the st time harry’s “love life” had ome to the front page of the paper of ourse, the fat that he was a boy probably made people less likely to believe it it just sounded more far- fethed than what skeeter had thrown at harry before of ourse, the st time she’d been attaking harry, he’d been helping but he was surprised that he hadn’t reeived any howlers…or angry letters if not howlers it just went to show how muh power the malfoy name really had

    “oi! malfoy!”

    drao turned slightly to look at the seventh year slytherin that had alled his name down the slytherin table, interrupting crabbe’s expnan of how they’d huked the first year (stunned and growing fingernails in strange pes) into a tikle-me-silly-rose-bush all n stopped as he loked gazes with the other boy

    “when you’re done with potter tonight, why don’t you ome down to the seventh year dorms!”

    aross the hall at the gryffindor table, harry stood abruptly, looking murderous and if looks ould kill, the seventh year would have died purely from the look snape sent at him from the staff table

    drao however, stared at the boy unblinking in a oky salute, the boy lifted his goblet in a toast to drao drao blinked the goblet shattered, pumpkin juie flying everywhere, the sharp piees of the up attempting to embed themselves in the soft flesh of his fae and nek

    “i don’t think you ould keep up with me” drao’s alm voie seemed to eho down the slytherin table, just loud enough so that the now-bleeding boy ould hear the words, but not the rest of the hall

    “mr goldstien” snape’s voie promised many unpleasant things as he eared at the slytherin’s elbow “we need to disuss your ode of behar in my offie now arently, a three day suspenn was not enough to urb your rule breaking streak” snape looked down the table at the other slytherins, his eyes stopping at every one that had just returned that day from the suspenn “does anyone share mr goldstien’s ses? i’m sure he would be hy to have your ompany”

    “i don’t think i’ve ever seen snape talk to slytherins that way!” ron whistled in reian “i mean, he’s still a greasy git, but that was really something!”

    herne hid a smile behind her book at ron admiring snape harry though, looked as if he almost didn’t hear ron, staring into the firepe that lit the gryffindor on room herne frowned as she looked at his sullen eyes whih flikered in the firelight

    “harry?” he looked up as if he had nothing better to do at that moment other than stare into the fmes “are you feeling alright?”

    “he’s just as shoked as i am that snape started beating on slytherins!” ron broke in heerfully and harry nodded to his friend’s statement, a false smile on his lips

    “are you thinking about the funeral?” herne saw through his smile instantly

    “no i’m not” and he wasn’t

    “if i were him, i’d be thinking about the trial, “ne,” ron ied before herne ould ontinue quesning harry

    “what do you mean? malfoy’s dad left everything to him, so all he has to do is prove that and he gets his iane,” herne pointed out logially

    “the only one i an think of who ould bring malfoy’s iane into quesn is his mother that won’t work against his own mother, herne and she’s got malfoy’s age on her side, too” he leaned in eagerly as he a
