《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读66

    drao was lounging on the sofa, having stopped his transfiguran work “only for a minute to rest his eyes” he only realized he’d been dozing for half an hour when he was shaken out of his stupor by the portrait door losing as entered the room

    “so how are things on the gryffindor side of the shool?” drao drawled as he again looked at the transfiguran essay he had to write

    harry looked surprised that drao had asked suh a quesn “er—fine i guess”

    “i wasn’t atually ied,” drao replied pointedly as harry plopped into the armhair faing the sofa

    the gryffindor shrugged arelessly “so then, how are things at the slytherin end of the shool?”

    “i wouldn’t know you’d have to go to the slytherin on room to find that out”

    harry grinned lopsidedly “yes, i was pnning on doing that but i thought i’d hek with you first to see if you knew and save me the trip by telling me”

    “sarasm does not suit you, harry”

    “if you say so”

    “i do”

    a pause “so when is your earane in ourt?”

    drao hid his surprise as harry waited for an answer “monday”

    “monday? that soon after the funeral?”

    “of ourse you’re not thinking like a slytherin, harry if narissa had requested friday, i ould then say that the funeral was on friday and move it to a date of my hoie, whatever was onve enough for me saturday or sunday would be onve for me and therefore are out of the quesn but sine i already miss friday’s sses, it’s only more inonve for me to miss monday’s as well anything to throw off your oppo, harry you’d be surprised how the little things an undermine people”

    “so who’s going to be there?”

    “myself, my godfather, my mother, arheon as holder of my father’s will, and the wizengamot”

    “what if i wanted to ome?” harry’s voie sounded as if he didn’t are whether he went or not, but drao wasn’t fooled

    “you’re already oming to the funeral, potter don’t push it”

    “why an’t i ome?”

    “you’re not involved”

    harry bit his lip for a seond, as if weighing some dein in his mind “i ould be,” he whispered

    drao’s eyes narrowed slightly as harry refused to meet his gaze “what are you getting at?”

    “look, orret me if i’m wrong, but it’s your word against the person the world sees as your mother she says you should not i and you say that you should” harry paused and fumbled for words “your…your dad’s not there anymore to make sure the outome is what you want” drao aught the double implians of harry’s words harry was ing around the subjet of bribery, an opn that was not open to drao “i don’t know what kind of sway narissa bk holds, but in the worst ase sena she would be equal to what your father used to hold even without that, she’s got wizarding w on her side beause you’re not legal yet and she is”

    drao sighed he already had thought through this vus irle of logi himself “harry, ome to the point”

    “if i ame as your fiané, then you would be legal and there would be nothing they ould do to stop your iane seeing as the whole problem arose beause you aren’t a legal adult yet”

    there he’d said it harry waited for drao’s response but there wasn’t one the seonds seemed to streth into lifetimes as drao sat silent, his eyes looking down at his transfiguran text book without seeing the printed words

    the blond shuddered as he breathed out slowly and spoke, his voie sounding dead to harry’s ears “that is not an opn i will not allow something as trivial as legality to influene something like that” gathering his books, drao stood and headed towards the bedroom, pausing at harry’s words

    “at least we agree on that if i were to say any vows, they would be real”

    chapter 34: bk marble, white marble, and gold

    ron was just finishing the st of his history of magi essay when herne exitedly pulled him over to an abandoned orner of the gryffindor on room

    “i finished!” she said exitedly as she pushed him down into a hair and sat down in the opposite one

    “finished what?”

    “my pn for revenge on rita skeeter”

    now ron was ied “i’m in”

    “you don’t even know what it is yet”

    “doesn’t matter what are we doing?”

    herne smiled and outlined the pn “well, first i wanted to go after her personally and pratie some spells on her, but i ouldn’t do that until vaan and by that time it would be too te for this pn what i want to do is dise her from ever writing about harry ever again”

    “sounds good how do we do it?”

