《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读64

    the quill shook in drao’s fiips “what makes you say that?” the blond asked in a strained voie

    “your father was a veriae you are a veriae i am your veriae bonded that makes me family, doesn’t it?”

    “not by blood”

    “doesn’t matter i an still walk with you, an’t i?”

    drao sighed “you’re not going to leave me alone until i agree to this, are you?”


    drao rolled his eyes and muttered, “bloody gryffindor,” under his breath before looking up at harry “fine you an walk with me”

    abandoning his homework for his own sense of urgeny, harry headed for the library the first minute he ould after sses had ended for the day harry quikly realized that he had no idea where one would store the kind of subjet material he was looking for in a library setting, and therefore had to turn to madam pine for help she looked rather surprised when a young teenage boy, harry potter no less, asked for where one would find books on wizard etiquette, but she gave him direns to a remote orner of the library and two hours ter harry found what he was looking for

    many of the books he looked through had been about how muggle ulture had been ied into wizarding soiety but that wasn’t what he’d wanted with a family like the malfoys, he had to go looking for the oldest book on wizard etiquette he ould find he finally found it buried on the lowest shelf in the orner, so overed with dust that he sneezed when he pulled it off the shelf ping it on the table where he’d thrown his book bag produed yet another loud of dust and another sneeze

    harry began flipping through its see-through-thin pages, bypassing the long sen on wizarding naming eremonies to the sen on funeral etiquette now that he was going to attend luius malfoy’s funeral, he wanted to know everything that would be expeted of him, even if the only two in attene would be drao and himself…or maybe more beause the only two in attene would be drao and himself it was not that he did not trust herne to have her fats straight, but to be sure he didn’t miss something important, something that maybe only drao himself would find important

    after half an hour of reading, harry found that his only problem was finding his family’s olors he didn’t think that they had any, and wondered if the potter family was even old enough to have family olors or a family rest and plus he had no idea how to find out if they did but the book said that in the absene of family olors, in the instane of an orphan for example, the m lothes would only be bk with the dark red uffs of ourse, harry did not own proper wizarding m robes, but he figured that herne ould hange the olor of the uffs on his normal robes easily enough

    harry piked up the book to lose it and pe it bak on the shelf before he headed down to the great hall for dinner as he did so, the page he’d just finished reading turned, and the heading of thesen aught his eye

    wizarding es and the marriage rite

    harry bit his lip as he stood there for a seond and then sat bak down he knew that es in the wizarding world gave younger wizards a status in a way very different from the muggle world where legal status was based on age what if there was something else about it that harry didn’t know? he hadn’t really pressed herne for any details for fear that she would jump to the onlun that he was going to propose to drao in order solve this legal fix that drao—and subsequently himself thanks to rita skeeter—was in but, he admitted to himself, it was a real possibility, even if it was very far-fethed in fat, drao himself was probably not even thinking of it as a remote possibility no, only he was… and harry didn’t even know what he would be getting himself into

    sitting bak in the hair, harry began to read

    the rman to remember about wizarding etiquettee and marriage was a bit more omplex than that on funerals, whih made harry deide to write it out to make sure he did not fet anything ruial

    the book broke any renship down into two beings, the aretaker of the pair (alled the “maritus”) and the one who was taken are of (alled the “marita”) in a ase with a heterosexuals the aretaker was always male and the one taken are of was always female in a ase with homosexual partners, the two would deide whih would take the tradinal “male” role and whih would take the tradinal “female” role this, the book stated expliitly, had no onnotan to what role the partner took in the sexual renship between the two

    first there was a long ourtship proess that by now harry and drao had ompletely skipped over and rendered useless seeing as they had shared sleeping quarters, something that was forbidden during the ourtship ritual

    an e proposin ould only our after the maritus had gained permisn from both his own family and the family of the marita this permisn ould ome only after proper fulfillment of the ourtship rituals, whih he and drao would have to skip anyway the maritus would then kneel before the marita and request, “where i am gaius, there you are gaia?” (slightly different than the tradinal marriage vows, spoken in the first nguage that the maritus had learned) if the marita aepted, he/she would reply “where i am gaia, there you are gaius” the maritus would then pe the e ring on the marita’s finger and the marita would do the same for the maritus

    in preparan for a tradinal wizarding wedding, it was the job of the marita to provide the robes for both partners tradinally the lothing had to be hand sewn by the marita, but over time the ustom had evolved so that the marita only had to pay for the lothes the maritus would pay the “bride prie” of the marita to th
