《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读63

    “read it yourself i’m going to go shower”

    “we have pons first ped you know” harry warned, knowing that this kind of shower for drao would be a long one

    “oh i know, and if i atually make it to that ss at all i will be very surprised”

    “i should be making a omment about the unfairness of it all” harry muttered as his eyes sanned the letter “who’s mr arheon?”

    “mr ahilles arheon is the man who looked after my father’s will while he was alive” drao expined over his shoulder as he left the room

    harry frowned slightly as he read the tiny, srawling sript something about reading drao’s father’s will after his wake, whih was in three days it assured drao that while the malfoy gringotts aounts were frozen until the reading of the will, drao’s personal one would remain open for his use, as it was not owned by his father at his father’s time of death, but by drao himself

    it also said that after the divore his father had made drao’s godfather professor severus snape, drao’s legal guardian if he should pass away before drao reahed legality then, and harry assumed that this was the part drao had been upset about, it stated that narissa malfoy had already dered her n to hallenge the transfer of drao’s guardianship from herself to snape and the man wrote that he ould only assume that she would also hallenge any iane drao might reeive from his departed father but, it said, even though drao would not reah the legal age of seventeen until june fifth of that year, a little less than four months away, in light of ertain new developments there may be a way for drao to enter into legality despite his age, should the rumors prove true

    should the rumors prove true? harry gulped the man ouldn’t be talking about that rumor, ould he? and even if he was, why would harry’s renship (if you ould all a few sattered kisses and one make-out sesn a renship) with drao have anything to do with drao beoming legal in the wizarding world before his birthday?

    harry aught up with herne a few minutes before breakfast ended as she made her way down to the dungeons for pons

    “what are the ways that you an beome legal in the wizarding world?” harry asked breathlessly, thoughts jumbled in his head, and gasping from his run up from his and drao’s rooms

    herne looked surprised for a moment before answering, “the legal age in the wizarding world is seventeen, so anyone beomes legal if they turn seventeen however, in older wizarding ustom, marriages were arranged at birth and the hildren to be married were usually engaged at fifteen this started the tradin that a wizard or with ould beome legal in the wizarding world after beoming engaged they needed that…” herne searhed for the right word, “flexibility…in order to pn their weddings and the guy in the renship had to be able to provide for his wife, and so on” the look on herne’s fae showed exatly how enamored with that idea she was…not very muh at all “why do you ask, harry?” she quesned him a seond ter, suddenly uus

    “no reason just wondered,” harry said quikly

    herne didn’t buy it for an instant “harry, what’s going on?” she paused “this has to do with malfoy doesn’t it?”

    “no! well…yes, it kinda does, but it’s not what you’re thinking!” harry sputtered as herne’s fae held a look of disroval “and we’re going to be te to pons if we don’t hurry,” harry hanged the subjet, grateful for a distran he wasn’t ready to have a n with herne about what she had just told him, not yet

    harry sat on his rarely-slept-in bed paying absolutely no attenn to the transfiguran essay he was supposed to be w on he’d gone through the rest of the day in the exat same manner he still didn’t know how he managed to get through pons without destroying himself utterly by his k of oran he ouldn’t even remember going to divinan and transfiguran was all a blur to him but somehow he found himself here, after dinner, supposedly w on his transfiguran essay while drao wrote bak to that arheon person

    it was razy, utterly and horribly razy and yet he hadn’t been able to take his eyes off drao for the rest of the day when the blonde was around that was probably why transfiguran was so blurry and he had no idea about what he should be writing this essay on his thoughts were all srambled up in his head, popping into onus thought at peuliar moments ‘why was he so angry about the menn of those rumors?’ had slipped into his mind when snape was talking about skewering butterfly wings…or at least that’s what harry hoped he had been talking about ‘maybe he wasn’t, maybe he was just angry beause of what narissa malfoy had done or maybe he was angry about the veiled omment about the rumors,’ had repeated around in his head during divinan and the worst, ‘what if he was angry beause he would never want me romantially?’ popped up right around diime harry had almost hoked on the air he was breathing, ausing ron to ask him if he was ok and herne to look at him suspusly

    “harry would you mind if you stopped staring at me? you haven’t blinked in the past five minutes it’s rather disturbing”

    harry blinked quikly a few times at drao’s words when he looked bak at the blonde, drao had returned to his letter and gave no sign of wanting to ask why harry had been staring at him it was strange but a small relief to harry

    whether drao knew, guessed, or didn’t are about what harry had been thinking of that evening was not broahed by either of them, but harry ouldn’t help thinking as he fell asleep that night that drao had probably guessed

    chapter 33: the ties that bind

    “but i don’t uand why it’s taking so muh of his time to anize the funeral
