《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读62

    herne wined and ron tried not to look sympatheti for his long time rival

    “what about you and malfoy?” herne asked after a minute “why aren’t you two in trouble?”

    “i don’t know dumbledore didn’t say” harry shrugged “but if i had to guess, i would say that he didn’t want to draw attenn to it”

    “hmm?” ron frowned in the midst of drinking his pumpkin juie

    “oh i get it!” herne eximed before adding in a muh quieter tone “as long as he keeps you and drao out of it, then nothing about voldemort is exposed to the shool”

    “kinda like he did when malfoy’s…dad showed up in hogwarts?” ron asked


    there was a rustle of wings throughout the great hall as the mail began to arrive harry’s eyes sned towards drao, but the blonde looked…well, he looked like he did normally, yet he was muh too tense for him to be ating truly normal also, his lothes made any pretense of “normality” disear faster than an invisibility spell

    drao wore what herne had rmed him as tradinal m lothing in the wizarding world underh his outer shool robes, he wore lothing of the olors found on the malfoy family rest, olors that represented the malfoy family clothing of those olors would only be worn on three oans, herne said: when there was a birth, when there was a wedding, and when there was a death the oan was speified by the armbands worn on the uffs of the robes blue or rose for a birth (depending on the gender of the baby), white for a wedding, and a dark blood red for a death drao’s uffs were so dark red that it was hard to tell where the bk of his robes ended and the red began, and looked so bloody that it seemed as though he had dipped his robes in his own blood

    drao had gone to snape that m to get permisn to te the shool uniform in suh a way snape had let him without hesitan

    “harry…you should look at this,” ron said in a voie that told harry something was wrong

    harry looked at the paper in ron’s hand and groaned “i guess they made the death publi?”

    “not just that harry,” herne told him, looking over from where she sat perusing another student’s paper “look at the first and seond pages”

    wining harry took the paper and sanned the headline on the first page

    luius malfoy found dead with dark mark bzing over malfoy manor

    hoping that thepage didn’t also have to do with luius malfoy’s death, harry opened the paper when he saw the title, he suddenly wished it did have to do with luius malfoy’s death

    a seret love affair revealed: drao malfoy and harry potter

    “oh no”

    “oh yes” herne looked livid “when i get my hands on her, i’ll squash her like the bug she is!”

    harry’s eyes fell to the name of the writer of the seond artile and he pratially hissed at the name rita skeeter

    ron took the paper from harry’s shaking hands and began to read the seond artile for himself, ringing every two minutes “you want to know the damage, mate?”

    “why not? i’ll learn it sooner or ter,” harry grumbled into his drink

    “well, from the way she says it, you two might as well have been soul mates from birth it talks about malfoy being a veriae, though it doesn’t say muh other than a ‘ousin of the well-known vee’ it also says that you two have been sharing rooms sine the beginning of this year, whih is true, but then goes on to desribe your renship, the detail of whih is utterly false and makes me sik”

    “doesn’t sound bad so far,” harry muttered

    “oh it gets better, harry,” herne seethed at the artile “it talks about how malfoy has no hoie in his soul mate and says, and i quote: ‘in suh a time of grief as drao malfoy is going through over the loss of his father, luius malfoy, he will beome more depe on his mate’—i an’t believe she atually uses that term!—‘and will be vulnerable to any suggesns he might get from harry potter’” herne snorted in disgust

    “it makes it sound like he’s your—”

    “don’t say it ron,” harry seethed

    harry was so absorbed in hating rita skeeter that he didn’t notie a rge barn owl drop a letter onto drao’s p he did notie the sudden movement from the slytherin table as drao stood and abruptly left the room, their eyes meeting for a moment as he did so

    harry nodded to his friends and followed the blonde out of the room

    drao stalked down towards the dungeons, pausing only to snarl the password at medusa before walking into their rooms harry followed him silently, ign the portrait’s talk about how the poor boy was still distressed from whatever harry had done and he’d better fix it

    “did you see the prophet?” harry asked as drao began paing the room

    “why would i? i knew what was going to be there,” drao muttered

    “on the first page or the seond page?” harry queried, leaning against the portrait door

    “the seond page?” drao asked

    “yeah the page with the artile about your and my seret love affair”

    all olor drained from drao’s fae “you’re kidding”

    “nope the entire wizarding world knows you’re a veriae now they know that we’re rooming together i don’t know if they’ll believe that we’re sleeping together or not, but that’s there too oh, and there’s the implian that i might be using you for my own selfish gain somewhere in there as well”

    “bloody hell,” drao snarled, as he dropped an opened letter on the ouh “well, that expins this then”

    “what is it?” harry asked

