《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读55

    “well, there goes that idea,” ron muttered

    “attenn! will all students please return to their on rooms immediately!” mgonagall’s voie sounded through the shool

    “we have to tell dumbledore,” herne spoke, her tone leaving no room for disusn, not that ron would have protested anyway

    harry rolled out of the firepe and just missed hitting the leg of a mahogany desk

    “what was that?” a gruff voie asked

    “what was what?” another answered

    “i thought i heard something”

    “i think you’ve gone razy”

    “shut up”

    harry pulled the invisibility loak tighter around himself as he edged towards the open door the two death eaters began to argue as he slowly slipped out harry duked into a dark orner just outside the door if snape was right and the death eaters hadn’t rerouted the floo system, he should be somewhere in luius’s wing…whih was on the opposite side of the house as drao’s now that he was atually here, he didn’t really know exatly what he was going to do somewhere in this house was drao, luius, a whole lot of death eaters, and maybe voldemort he had to find the first two without running into the seond two

    “master drao!” a house elf squealed as the boy slipped into the kithen the boy hushed the house elf, listening to see if there was any movement in the hall before turning bak to the reature that wasat his side

    “speak quietly what has hened?”

    “oh it was awful, master drao!” the house elf, buried her fae in his robes as she sobbed “they sent these things to attak master luius, master drao, big bk reatures that make the air freeze!”

    “is my father alright?” drao reognized the desripn of a dementor

    “they is ordered not to hurt master luius, master drao that was for…s-someone else…they said then other people ame, lots of people in bk like master luius used to wear”

    bk like his father used to wear? his father still wore…drao then realized what the elf was saying bk like his father used to wear, bk robes like his father used to wear, death eater robes

    “then a man with red eyes ame!” the house elf ontinued “eyes like blood, master drao, and skin like no one who ever ame to the manor had!”

    lord voldemort was in malfoy manor?

    “when was all this?”

    “they is oming one week ago, master drao diddy hear…diddy hear that they is making master luius write to master drao as if nothing is hening diddy hear they is pnning to gather all the bk robed people here, master drao, so that when you ome home for the summer they an make someone else ome here too”


    “they is not saying, master drao they is saying their master wants to kill him, master drao”

    harry they wanted drao to lead harry to malfoy manor

    “diddy hear they say that many more ome tonight, master drao! you are not safe here, master drao!”

    “many more? if they have all the death eaters here, who else is oming?”

    “they is saying those that would beome death eaters will ome here tonight, master drao you have to leave, master drao, before they is finding you!”

    drao felt sik initian tonight was the initian that had to be what the house elf was taking about he had to get-

    he heard someone try to turn the doorknob and he froze, looking for a pe to hide diddy barely held bak a shriek and pushed drao into an empty upboard under the ouop

    there was a muffled word from outside the kithen and someone entered the room

    “ diddy h-help you? s-sir?” the frightened house elf owered before the losed upboard door

    “you an move out of my way for a minute” the death eater pushed the house elf aside and stepped up to the ounter he sighed and sat down on the ounter “i know what you’re doing drao, and i think you’re razy”

    drao’s eyes widened as he realized he knew who this death eater was very well in fat this death eater was bise

    “you piked the worst time to do a resue misn too this is the weekend for initian, and you-know-who is here somewhere along with all the death eaters and those who want to beome death eaters most of the slytherins from shool are going to be hanging around if they’re not here already”

    “and i didn’t think you were going through with the death eater bit,” drao said quietly through the wood

    “i don’t have a hoie in the matter listen drao, you may be my friend but one the initian takes pe i’m not on your side anymore so you have to find your father and get out of here before then i heard some of the others talking, and he’s being held up in the north tower that’s really all i an do for you at this point”

    bise got off the ounter and left the room, pausing at the door to add “don’t let me see you”

    drao waited a minute before exiting the upboard

    “i-is you okay, master drao?”

