《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读56

    “yes, diddy, i’m fine diddy, an you get me to the north tower?”

    diddy began to shiver “master doesn’t want to go there there’s a big snake up there it eats house elves sir! diddy doesn’t want to see master drao hurt”

    “my father’s up there, diddy bsp;you get me up there or not?”

    diddy nodded sadly and sned her fingers the kithen diseared and the hallway of the north tower eared around them

    “diddy, i need you to do one more thing for me”

    “what is it, master drao?” diddy whispered

    “i need you to go bak to your normal duties and at as if nothing is wrong” he turned his bak to her


    “do it diddy”

    there was a small popping sound and diddy diseared from behind drao keeping to the shadows of the hall, drao silently thanked his third great-grandfather for wanting to redo the entire house in the gothi style he’d only been able to talk his wife into redoing the towers beause she never went up there and would never have to see it but as drao pressed bak into the shadows aused by an obsidian gargoyle and a death eater passed by on her way to the stairs, missing him ompletely, drao made a resolun to redo the whole house in that style

    but there weren’t many pes that one ould hide someone in the north tower, drao had to admit there was only an old owlery up here and a hardly used ptform for stargazing

    he ontinued his way down the hall and towards the stairs up to the owlery there were no sounds ehoing down from the top of the urved stairase, so he began to slowly limb them

    “there’s no sign of mr malfoy anywhere in hogsmead,” professor mgonagall said wearily “i believe we must at as if he really has left hogwarts”

    “there is something muh worse going on, minerva,” dumbledore said gravely “i’ve just gotten word from the ministry azkaban has been attaked by dementors i believe it is safe to assume that any death eaters who were in azkaban have been released”

    “do you…albus, do you think the malfoys have something to do with this?” mgonagall asked suspusly

    “no, minerva, i do not think they do i do, however, think that someone wants us to think that”

    there was a loud banging sound on the door and the sound of two frightened voies from outside the offie shouting, “professor dumbledore! harry’s diseared!”

    almost as if on ue, a figure dressed in bk stepped from the firepe in the headmaster’s offie snape paused slightly at the shouting before wining and turning bak to the headmaster “he’s alling, albus and i’ve notied that a few other slytherins are missing, not just drao malfoy”

    harry was lost he was somewhere in the south wing…or was that the south part of the north wing? he had no idea but wherever he was, it wasn’t where he wanted to be


    harry jumped at the timid voie

    “sir, why is you wearing an invisibility loak?”

    harry turned to see a house elfnear the wall he moved farther into the shadows near the elf “i’m trying to help drao”

    “master drao? master drao is being in the north tower, sir…sir is being master drao’s harry!”

    harry nodded and the house elf nearly pped with joy

    “how an i get to drao?”

    “i an take sir lose to there” harry nodded and the walls seemed to bend and blend around him to form a new hallway

    drao tried the door and found it loked reahing up, he pluked a single feather out of his wings and, after it turned to steel, jammed it into the door after a hard push, the door reaked open

    the small amount of light from the stairwell shone on the floor of the old owlery drao felt all his feathers turn to steel as he stepped further into the room his father y hained to the wall, wings retrated there was almost no trae of his normally regal presene and strange burn marks overed his body, dried blood oated his arms and torso only the slight movement of his hest told drao that he was alive

    harry’s vin swam as a sharp pain shot through his skull anger, drao’s anger, swirled around him like a loud cheking to see that there was no one in the hallway, he began sprinting down the halls, trying to make as little sound as possible

    a hiss sounded near his father’s feet and drao found himself staring into the eyes of the lo snake he had ever seen it rose to look drao in the eyes, its tongue flikering out as if to taste the air…or his fear

    drao began to edge away from the snake, trying to see if he ould get to his father by going around it the snake turned to ontinue to wath him as he stepped deeper and deeper into the shadows drao ouldn’t see the stone floor nor what was resting on it he froze as he bumped against something that was not the stone wall

    a deep hiss ut through the darkness and drao jumped bak aross the light that was ast into the room from the hallway a reature moved in the darkness and began to rawl out of the shadows and into the small beam of light

    harry wined as the somewhat familiar feeling of pain began to spread aross his stomah drao was in trouble he rossed into another hallway and turned down into the orridor that oed to the tower entrane

    drao looked up into jeweled faeted eyes whirling in a red fury as the dragon loomed over him as he looked up at the bk saled monstrosity, he never saw the rge snake slither out of the room

