《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读54

    harry rouhed down low in a orner to talk to dobby so that the other house elves in the kithen would not overhear “could you still get into malfoy manor if you wanted to?” he asked

    dobby’s ears drooped a bit but he nodded “i ould, mr harry potter sir”

    “i need to get into malfoy manor, dobby it’s important i need you to o one firepe in malfoy manor to a firepe here bsp;you do that?”

    “oh i an, mr harry potter sir!” dobby was again hy to help

    “et it to the room of requirement’s firepe then” harry grinned and the two parted ways

    harry walked bak and forth in front of the room of requirement i need a firepe and floo powder, he thought forefully as he paed

    opening the door revealed an empty room exept for a rge, ornate firepe, filled with logs and yet unlit on the mantle above the firepe was a rge pot filled with floo powder perfet

    a small pop sound to his left indiated dobby’s return

    “it’s all done, mr harry potter sir i is oing you to the firepe in old master’s study”

    “perfet, dobby” harry went to grab a handful of floo powder

    “mr harry potter sir!” harry turned bak to dobby “there are bad people in that house, harry potter, very bad people” the elf’s eyes were wide and harry realized immediately what the elf was talking about

    “i’ll make sure they don’t see me,” harry promised, loaking himself in his invisibility loak before stepping into the firepe

    “malfoy manor!”

    in a fsh of green fmes, harry potter was no longer at hogwarts

    ron notied that herne had been quiet for a long time; her quill was paused over the word she had been writing three minutes ago

    “what’s wrong?” he asked

    “ron, what way would you leave the gryffindor on room if you were going to the dungeons?” herne asked

    “well i’d go left to the stairs”

    “so would i but harry went right”

    ron suddenly had a bad feeling “but where would he go?”

    “let’s go have a hat with medusa” herne stood and the two made their way towards the dungeons

    drao auusly arrived at malfoy manor, alling on the numerous wind urrents in the area to shield him from sight as he touhed down on the wn flying from hogwarts to malfoy manor took a long time, even with the help of the wind and water urrents making louds to hide him it was also very tiring drao had to stop three times along the way to rest and regain his strength, lest he fall out of the sky for k of energy but he had pnned for this, whih was why he’d left so early in the m and had not pnned to get bak until sunday evening

    it was just about time for supper if all was well, he’d just slip inside and surprise his father for a meal, get reprimanded for doing something so foolish, and then they’d talk about these attaks drao knew though that all was not so easy as that the letters had warned him of this but what was wrong…that was what he was here to find out

    the wards around the manor reognized him, he notied as he felt the subtle touh of veriae magi, his father’s addin to the wards stepping up to the rge double doors, he waited for the wards to admit him silently, the door unloked and he slipped inside

    all the lights were on inside the manor strange, drao thought his father never left all the lights on malfoys were reatures of darkness, and his father was quite omfortable with only one andle lit in the entire house, thank you very muh drao had ied this taste from his father the only one who onstantly left all the lights on in the rooms of the house was…narissa

    drao’s lip urled in disgust as he walked silently down the hall, dropping into a orner when he heard two female voies talking

    “—have to have him write another letter tonight”

    ““cissy dear, don’t worry he an barely move, muh less use those veriae powers”

    “—nothing an go wrong tonight—”


    the voies got quieter as the two women walked away, leaving drao fuming he knew those voies narissa and his aunt, beltrix something strange was going on here, drao thought but he had to find his father without being seen if beltrix was here, then who knew how many other death eaters were here as well so drao headed for one pe that no self-respeting death eater would bother going: the kithens the house elves ould tell him what was going on

    ron and herne ran through the halls, oblius of the rule that said they ouldn’t, heading to the kithen they waited impatiently for the portrait to open and raed inside as soon as they ould fit through

    “dobby!” ron panted “where’s dobby?”

    “hello friends of harry potter!” dobby waved to them from where the house elves were mixing raspberries into pie mix

    “dobby, harry’s in trouble!”

    dobby’s eyes widened to a size they did not think possible and in an instant he diseared ron groaned and herne sighed at this an

