《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读53

    “and this is something that you ould not speak about to mr malfoy himself? and felt it neessary to wake me up in order to speak at this partiur time?”

    srewing up every oune of gryffindor e he had, harry replied “yes beause i only just found out that drao isn’t anywhere in hogwarts” after a seond’s hesitan he added, “sir,” just to try and eal to snape’s good side…if he had one

    something shifted in snape’s eyes, but outwardly he eared the same “and you know this, how?”

    bloody hell, harry hadn’t thought how to reveal how he knew that drao wasn’t in shool think harry, think, he told himself

    “well mr potter?”

    “i know it in the same way that i knew how to get to hogsmead bak in third year” harry muttered, looking down at his shoes, or what he assumed were his shoes—he ouldn’t tell in the dim light of one lumos spell

    he ould feel snape’s eyes burning into his skull as the man thought about what harry had just said

    “where do you think mr malfoy is?” snape asked after a long silene harry’s eyes shot up in astonishment before he realized that he was supposed to answer the quesn

    “i found this in one of drao’s books” he held out the map of engnd to snape “i think he’s gone to the starred area…wherever that is”

    snape ast his own lumos spell in order to look at the map “if you are right, mr potter, whih i highly doubt you are, then mr malfoy has gone to malfoy manor you are undoubtedly aware of how impossible it is to get to malfoy manor at this time how would you propose he got there? arated out of hogwarts and into malfoy manor? rode in one of the shool arriages perhaps? sprouted wings and flew?”

    snape stopped short and harry’s mouth dropped as they both realized what the pons master had just said a memory of st weekend pyed through harry’s mind, of snithes, bludgers, and bk wings

    “yes, professor” harry replied “i think he did sprout wings and fly there”

    chapter 29: serpentis draonis

    harry fumed silently as he paed the gryffindor on room drao had been missing for over fifteen hours now; how long exatly wasn’t known beause harry didn’t know when drao left

    harry fought bak the yearning to hit something, knowing that were he to let out his rage, his two friends would beome more sared of him than they already were as it was, his behar resembled a aged animal to them

    it was all just so stupid! sure, if a student was petrified the whole shool went on bloody alert, but if a student was just missing, there were protools! was drao really missing? bloody hell, harry was so sik of hearing another teaher ask that to the rest of them

    snape had gone to dumbledore immediately and while harry was sure that dumbledore believed them, there was a bunh of legal stuff set in pe for just this oan

    so after rounding up all the teahers at four in the m, they had begun searhing the astle all of it every room and harry had been sent bak to his dormitory to wait! then, when everyone realized drao really wasn’t in the astle, as harry had been telling them, they had to searh the bloody forbidden forest beause arently drao had permisn to go there beause he needed somepe to go be a veriae for a while where no one ould see him, or something like that

    and of ourse, the entaurs hadn’t taken kindly to a group of people gallivanting around in their forest, even if one of those people had been hagrid, who knew his way around pretty well of ourse, they found that drao wasn’t in the forest, after three hours of searhing harry ould have told them that but they didn’t listen, of ourse

    so now they were thinking that maybe drao really wasn’t in hogwarts so they had to go hek hogsmead! harry, of ourse, knew that drao wouldn’t be found there he knew where drao was so did snape and so, he suspeted, did dumbledore

    “harry, are you ok?” herne asked auusly as she saw her friend had stopped paing

    “do i look like i’m ok?” harry shot bak immediately

    “looks like you’re worried sik,” ron observed

    “we should have stopped this searhing hours ago!” harry exploded “if he’d done something stupid like going to hogsmead, then he would have been bak by now anyway!”

    “and he wouldn’t have left in the middle of the night,” herne added


    “so what are we going to do about it?” ron asked

    “what an we do? they obusly don’t want us involved,” herne pointed out “you shouldn’t even be here, harry they told you to go wait in your rooms in ase he ame bak”

    harry waved a hand at the marauder’s map on the table “i would have known if he ame bak,” he muttered

    “but if they go to find you and tell you that they atually believe you, you won’t be there,” herne ontinued

    harry sighed “yeah you’re right i’ll see you ter then”

    “they’ll find him, harry” herne tried to be

    “yeah, even if they have to send dobby to go open the door to malfoy manor for them,” ron joked

    her of the two saw harry stop and smile slightly as he left the on room

    dobby was, as always, estati to see harry potter

    “how an dobby be helping you, harry potter?” he asked brightly

    “i need your help dobby, and it’s very important”

    the house elf pratially squealed his joy at being able to help

