《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读52

    he would just have to wait until drao told him…or until drao ated on whatever it was he was pnning harry didn’t like waiting but he fored himself not to all drao on his behar

    it wasn’t like drao ould do anything drasti, like atually going to malfoy manor drao had told him that all the firepes in malfoy manor had been losed off, so drao ouldn’t floo there and there was no point in walking down to hogsmead and getting on the train beause then drao’d be stuk in london and unable to floo home without luius trying to bring his son home, drao was stuk in hogwarts and harry doubted that luius wanted his son to ome home right now, doubted that very muh indeed

    harry woke up old this didn’t matter that muh to him beause his rooms were in the dungeons now and this part of the astle tended to be ooler than other pes but what bothered him was what he realized one he got past the old part he had woken up in the middle of the night alone drao was nowhere to be found and judging from the temperature of drao’s side of the bed…he hadn’t been in bed for a long time

    “tempus,” harry muttered, and was rmed that it was three o’lok in the m

    not good harry began to pull on lothing while trying to piee together what he ould about the situan

    don’t pani, he told himself you’re just overreating

    but somehow he knew that he wasn’t if drao had fallen asleep at all then he would still have been in the same bed as harry and harry had seen drao sleeping st night before he had gone to bed

    harry felt a old wave wash over him as he realized that st night was friday today would be saturday that meant that no teahers would realize drao was missing until monday, if drao was gone and it wouldn’t have been that hard for drao to get rid of his friends for a weekend tell them that he would be studying or something

    harry bit his lip this was beginning to look bad

    but where would drao go? another part of his mind asked it wasn’t as if he ould just waltz out of hogwarts at any time of day or night and though instintively harry’s first idea was that somehow drao had gone to malfoy manor, it just wasn’t logially possible no…there just had to be another expnan harry ontinued this like a mantra he would find drao and it would be something stupid, though what drao would wake up for in the middle of the night was beyond harry, but there had to be something and it was probably something obus and stupid and harry would feel really iti when he found out, but that’s what would hen

    yes, that is what would hen

    harry fumbled on the nightstand for his wand and ast a quik lumos to help light up the room it proved ie, however, beause halfway out of the room he tripped

    harry hissed in pain as he rolled over to see what had aught his toe it was a book, a rather thik book it was one of drao’s ‘indepe reading’ pons books harry fought bak a groan as he’d tripped he’d bent about half of the pages, not to menn the over he would somehow have to expin that to drao

    harry piked up the book and ped it on thesurfae that was not the floor, his bed maybe there was a spell to unbend pages…

    harry wined as he surveyed the damage more losely somehow his foot had dislodged a page from the middle of the book, right where the bended pages started carefully he opened the book to that page and looked at it

    harry brought the page near the light of his wand and blinked this wasn’t pons this was the map he’d made a few days ago that he thought he’d misped drao must have piked it up

    harry arefully made his way out of the bedroom to look at the map in better light drao had added to it, reating a irle using the attaks farthest away from eah other as a diameter by doing this, he’d also found the irle’s enter harry frowned slightly as he looked at the area drao had repeatedly starred in different olor inks there was nothing there, at least not on the map but it had some signifiane to drao, it must, for him to indiate it as so important

    maybe drao thought that the enter of the attaks would be where voldemort was hiding or unhing the attaks? but drao wouldn’t do something so…gryffindorish as to try and sneak into voldemort’s headquarters…even if he thought that stopping the attaks would stop the lokdown his father had on malfoy manor

    harry folded the parhment again and put it in his poket now was not the time to be thinking ‘what if’s there was still a hane that drao was in the shool and harry had to find that out first

    harry rossed to the orner of the room where he’d thrown his books the night before and pulled the marauder’s map from his bag as he spoke the words to make the map spring to life he hoped that a dot beled “drao malfoy” would ear somewhere, anywhere, in hogwarts

    but he wasn’t too surprised when it didn’t

    now what? harry thought desperately he ould wake ron, but it was too early to get herne out of the gryffindor girls’ dormitory it wasn’t like he ould just walk in there after all, like he ould the boys’ dormitory better let ron sleep, he deided finally if he ouldn’t find drao by the time his friends woke up, then he would ask for their help

    harry sat down on the sofa, idly staring into the firepe he had to think like drao… yet how ould he? he didn’t know what else drao knew about the situan

    ok harry, he thought, hypothesize if it’s right, you’ll find fats to support it one herne’s up to help you

    so… worst ase sena first drao was aught by voldemort…no, worst ase was that drao was dead but that was out harry would be able to feel if drao was dead or hurt or in ger no, he wasn’t in any pain so drao must be safe…or physially well or something li
