《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读51

    it was on monday that drao first realized something was very wrong to start off he was te to breakfast that m and barely had time to eat, let alone read his father’s ustomary letter, so he tuked the letter away in his bag to read ter

    after sses that day, drao urled up in front of the firepe to read the letter before starting on his shoolwork the first thing he notied was that the letter was folded outward, so that the words ould be seen his father never folded letters outward, beause then other people ould read the writing as the intended reipient was opening it still, drao ontinued without giving it muh thought

    as drao read he got more and more worried his father never wrote to him in this way yes it sounded like his father, and anyone else would not have been fooled, but drao knew better reading the letter was like walking down diagon ally in publi with his father the words radiated the prestige of the malfoy name and none of the emons that his father might have felt while writing to his son

    the letter was ripped from drao’s hands by a white-faed harry potter as drao finished reading his father’s signature just ‘your father, luius malfoy’ his father always signed his letters to drao, ‘your loving father, luius malfoy’ beause suh things ould not be said in publi

    “harry what are you—”

    harry turned the letter around wordlessly and drao suddenly realized the reason the letter was folded outward instead of inward through the thik parhment, folded outward, you ould not tell that the bak of the parhment was smeared in blood

    chapter 28: bk truth, bk wings

    the room of requirement had made itself into a ave the walls were limestone, with a low eiling and a moss overed floor the room was very small, so small in fat that the three people inside the room had to duk to avoid hitting their heads on the eiling the ave was what the room thought of as the perfet pe to speak of serets, and so the three gryffindors settled down as omfortably as they ould against the old stone

    “there’s something wrong with drao” harry said, looking down at the moss as if it was the most iing thing he had ever seen

    her ron nor herne were fooled by his antis ron, though, was puzzled at harry’s words “but he seems…er, fine to me well…he doesn’t at any differently than he normally does”

    “no, he’s more nervous than usual” herne observed

    “exatly” harry said “it’s like he’s pnning something that he doesn’t want anyone to find out and it started after he got that letter”

    “but that was a week ago!” ron protested

    “yes, and he’s reeived two other letters from his father, both as false as the first one” harry expined

    “false letters?”

    “that’s all he’ll tell me about them that they aren’t really from his father”

    herne frowned as if thinking “but why wouldn’t his father write to malfoy?”

    “if he ouldn’t,” harry replied, looking up at his friends for the first time sine the n had begun

    “but why ouldn’t he write to malfoy?” ron asked “he’s done it for five years, so what’s different now?”

    harry shrugged “i don’t know drao doesn’t know and no one who knows is telling”

    “harry, what does drao think is going on?” herne asked “what exatly does he say?”

    “about the letters?” herne nodded “well, he says that there are ertain things his father always puts in a letter, ertain phrases, the way he signs his name, and so on…i don’t remember the exat details and he says that all these things are missing from the st three letters”

    “but hasn’t he done a spell to make sure that it’s his father’s handwriting?” herne asked

    “first thing he does it’s his father’s writing, but not his father’s style”

    “has there been any other…blood…on the letters?” ron asked

    “no not sine the first one”

    “i think i see what he thinks” herne stated “his father has always written to him, and so if something hened…like for instane, if his father got hurt, then the absene of letters would tell him immediately that something was wrong but there isn’t an absene of letters yet, these reent ones are very different from what he’s used to there are, as he says, ertain elements missing to them”

    “and then there’s the blood” ron added

    herne nodded “yes i think that luius malfoy is trying to tell his son that something is wrong”

    “then why doesn’t he ome out and say it?” ron asked

    “we must assume for some reason that he an’t”

    “but what’s going to stop luius malfoy from doing something?” ron looked skeptial

    “voldemort” harry spoke suddenly

    “but we’d know if you-er…voldemort was doing something…wouldn’t we?” ron asked

    harry was silent he didn’t know what voldemort was doing after all, he hadn’t had a vin sine he’d bonded to drao

    another thing harry notied about drao’s hange in attitude was that the blond was silent yes, in publi he ated like the drao everyone knew and expeted…but when there was no one around exept harry, he didn’t speak unless harry started the n it was like he always had something on his mind now and harry ouldn’t find out what

    it wasn’t like he ould bluntly ask, “what are you pnning?” beause he wouldn’t get an answer…or at least, he wouldn’t get the truth and beause drao was a slytherin, harry doubted he’d find any evidene of what drao was plotting just lying around

