《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读42

    pansy looked a little annoyed when she walked into one of the deidedly slytherin ompartments to see drao seated quite omfortably between crabbe and goyle bise, who was already seated aross from them ughed at the look on her fae, ausing drao to look up he shot her something between a smile and a smirk

    “maybetime, pansy dear”

    chapter 23: a deidedly good friday

    “first day bak in shool after vaan but do you think the teahers ould go a little easier on us?” ron looked forlornly at the stak of homework that he had piled in front of him on a table

    “you’ll find that if you atually get started on it, ron, the work goes muh faster than you think it will” herne told him from where she was already w on her arithmany homework

    ron looked at herne’s pile of homework, whih was about half the size of his beause she had already been w on it for an hour in a st resort effort, ron turned to harry, who also had a rather rge homework pile in front of him


    harry was too absorbed in his pons text to register the quesn let’s see…r: radish, ragweed, ragwort, raspberry, red-root, reed (ommon), reed (giant), rose, rosemary, roket (erua sativa), rue, rush (ommon), rutabagas…


    harry looked up “what?”

    “ron was trying to find a way out of starting his homework” herne stated, shooting ron an annoyed look

    harry grinned sheepishly “sorry, ron i have a pons essay due first thing tomorrow”

    “but you don’t have pons until the afternoon”

    “i know”

    in the silene that followed, herne looked up from her aluns “harry, are you sure malfoy won’t mind us being in here?”

    harry shrugged “it’s not like we’re sitting on his bed, herne”

    ron didn’t hold bak the shudder that idea sent through him “like we’d want to be”

    harry returned to the index he’d run out of r words but “rosa rubiginosa”, the ingredient he was supposed to be doing this essay on the uses of, was nowhere to be found “where’s the rosa rubiginosa?” he asked the book exasperatedly

    “try looking under the ommon name and not the sientifi name, harry” drao told him as he entered through the portrait “it’s most likely listed under egntine”

    “thanks” harry started going bak to the e’s

    “sure” and drao diseared into the bedroom

    ron shared a knowing look with herne as the blond left the room

    “you two seem to be…lose, harry” ron stumbled slightly over the words

    harry thought for a moment “i guess you ould say that we’re not really lose friends…we’re just not enemies any more”

    “i think that’s a good thing, harry” herne told him

    ron looked almost betrayed “what? why?”

    “well, before this whole thing hened, if we were in the same room as he, malfoy wouldn’t ever have missed the hane to start something but just now he ompletely ignored us i don’t know about you, ron, but i’d rather be ignored than be yelling insults at eah other”

    the look on ron’s fae learly indiated that he’d rather be yelling insults, but he kept quiet herne did have a logial point, even if his family’s feud with the malfoys might state otherwise ign eah other was a lot less…troublesome…than onstantly fighting

    talking about his friendship with drao made harry remember the n drao had started the night before they ame bak “hey, ron…” harry started “what do the other gryffindors think about me not staying in the tower anymore?”

    “well, it’s not a big thing anymore” ron said “the first ouple of weeks neville and i had to over for you a bit”

    “you told neville?”

    “not the whole truth i told him that it was a safety thing he assumed it was about you- know-oops-voldemort and then he and i told the other boys in the dorm that it was a spaing thing…you know, try not to ramp everyone in i figured that they might believe it more if it ame from people other than just me”

    “no one else really notied you were gone from the tower,” herne expined, “beause you still eat with us and attend the same sses and still sit in the on room it’s not like you’re not in gryffindor anymore—they would have notied that—you just have different sleeping arras”

    drao seemed lost in thought during dinner that night, p a thought that had ome into his head earlier that day it was rather strange, but after a week of having harry around almost onstantly, from sun up to sun down, he almost…well…missed having harry around and there was a hogsmead day this weekend adding these two fats together, his mind had ome up with the stra idea during history of magi now, drao was used to the strange pes that one’s mind wandered during history of magi, but this was a different thing all together why not ask harry to go to hogsmead with him? or at least, to meet him at hogsmead for a little while maybe get a drink or something there were private rooms at the three broomstiks, so no one need know that they were meeting eah other and it wasn’t like he was asking harry on a date or anything…or was he?

    that was the problem beause if he wasn’t then there was no issue, it was just two people getting together for a few butterbeers and ompany but if he was, then that would mean something entirely different…something that drao wasn’t quite ready for he would admit that harry wasn’t the bane of his existene anymore he would admit that he ould enjoy harry’s ompany hek, he ould even admit that he liked harry…but he was not ready to atually do anything about it

    and so that was the dilemma, wasn’t it? either say nothing and go about whatever else he would be doing this saturday or, say something and deal with what it might bring well…he still had a few days to think about it

