《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读43

    the number of days dwindled as monday turned into tuesday and wednesday followed yet drao was no loser to figuring out his dilemma than he had been on monday he had even onsidered writing to his father about it, it had gotten that annoying, but writing it down would somehow make the issue more real if he never wrote it down and the weekend ame and went, then he ould just orate on fetting that the thought ever ourred but if he wrote it down it beame more oe than a simple thought that ourred during history of magi so instead he tried to imagine what his father would say if really wasn’t hard at all his father would give him this look and tell him that he was a malfoy and malfoys did what they wanted to and that he should get rid of these inseure feelings if he wanted harry’s ompany he should request it and that was that it shouldn’t matter what it might look like if someone atually saw them really, think ranally drao it all omes down to a matter of pride some gryffindors are allowed to hang around him and yet you, a malfoy, annot? you have as muh right to be around him now as they do, onsidering that you no longer hate eah other and ould even be onsidered friends man, you are going to spend the rest of your life around him so what is making you infer to them?

    gryffindors may have their e when they need it, but for a slytherin it is a matter of pride

    harry had just finished all his homework for friday of ourse, he ouldn’t really use any of his free time at this time of night, but it was still free time and that was a good thing yet he felt…edgy somehow tent that there was no more homework, but edgy all the same…almost as if there was something he should be onerned about and he wasn’t onerned about anything right now so why was he feeling this tense?

    the shower turned off and in the hange of noise harry’s mind shifted to drao

    the blond left the bathroom silently, the look on his fae almost oive that, harry’s mind rowed triumphantly, is where those feelings ame from! but what would drao have to be nervous about?

    “hey, drao?”

    drao looked over at him from his side of the room

    “are you okay?”


    well, that didn’t get me anywhere, harry thought


    “what?” harry looked over at drao the blond wasn’t looking at him

    “you know this is a hogsmeade weekend right?”

    “it is?” harry blinked strange that ron or herne hadn’t said anything about it


    silene prevailed for a few minutes before drao almly asked “would you like to do something with me on saturday?”

    harry blinked, surprised where had that ome from? not that he was going to turn down an offer like that from drao

    “sure where do you want to meet?”

    “there are some private rooms at the three broomstiks i’ll get one of them”

    “sounds great”

    harry eagerly dug into his eggs it was a friday m, tomorrow was saturday, and that saturday was a hogsmeade day add to that the…well, antiipan of drao’s proposin the day before, and he was in a rather good mood this friday m, even with upoming sses the other gryffindors were in good spirits as well ron was w exitedly at something (harry would have to ask him what was going on ter), and herne was deeply ensoned in a new book about the psyhologial mi of wizards in the 16th entury harry had sheduled a da meeting forthursday, so the other da members were already looking forward to it and there was leftover raspberry pie from st night’s desert for breakfast, a ommon favourite of every house in hogwarts, so this was a deidedly good friday

    over on the slytherin side of the great hall, drao was also feeling the friday spirit (even though raspberry pie was not his favourite form of pie), but he wasn’t grinning like an it as the gryffindors on the other side of the room were a smile—no smirk—did ear briefly on his features when a familiar messenger bird dropped a letterto his pte his name was written in pin bk ink on the envelope in a sript he knew well quikly, though not outwardly eagerly, he opened the letter

    his father’s note was short…something about telling his mother about the christmas holidays? drao quikly stood from the table and left, duking into thealove in the hallway he waited as the spell that hid the true letter diseared as it sensed he was alone

    a neer lipping fell out of the letter


    i thought you would have ertain i in this fudge has deided to remove this artile and assoiated pitures from the prophet and will not allow it to be printed you may want to share it with potter as well

    take are,

    luius malfoy

    drao’s eyes fell to the artile’s words

    attak on muggle london?

    by rita skeeter

    three days after the christmas holiday a brutal attak on a muggle hotel shook the heart of muggle london the building itself olpsed in an explon, killing 134 muggles and wounding 113 more the muggles believe it to be the work of terrorists, but this reporter wonders otherwise several of the reovered bodies seemed to have died before the olpse of the building, and there is evidene that the wounds inflited upon them were aused by magial means the ministry of magi refuses to onfirm or refute this for the publi and that auses this reporter to wonder if the ministry is trying to over up a darker purpose for this sughter of i life this reporter remembers all too well the ministry’s ontinued serey around the resurgene of you-know-who one year ago, when it is lear in hindsight that they were simply not willing to see where known is indiated this reporter an only guess what the ministry is hiding now by not revealing if this truly was a sughter of muggles by dark wi
