《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读41

    “no” harry idly wondered what onlun they ame up with on their own to expin his absene “why are you worried about it anyway?”

    “i don’t know maybe i’d like to be prepared for when it hens”

    harry was silent for a moment “what kind of books do you like to read?”


    “well,” harry began, “roommates are supposed to know things about eah other, right? so, if we are going to be prepared for when people find out about our arra, then we should know eah other”

    “historial novel you?”

    “i don’t like reading muh…but i’d say fin”

    “favorite subjet?”

    “defense against the dark arts…when there’s a good teaher you?”


    “should have known that least favorite subjet?”

    “a runes you?”


    drao snorted “right favorite olor?”



    “least favorite olor?”

    drao smirked “neon pink”

    harry wine “same”

    “what do you want to do when you get out of shool?”

    “beome an auror, i guess”

    “get a mastery in pons”

    “no wonder” harry paused for a few moments

    “it’s your turn to ask a quesn harry” drao reminded him

    “i’m thinking…if you had to be stuk on a deserted isnd with either trewney or filh, whih would you pik?”

    “what? her, i’d throw them to the sharks where did you ome up with that?”

    “i dunno it was random”

    drao thought for a moment “first rush?”

    “bsp;g” harry replied immediately and sullenly

    an eyebrow rose “i won’t ask king arthur”


    “there was this piture of him in a book i read a long time ago…i always thought guinevere was so stupid to leave him for la”

    harry boarded the train to hogwarts and was pulled through the train towards the group of “gryffindor” ompartments by his enthusiasti friends

    “how was your vaan, harry?” herne asked as she losed the door

    “it was fine”

    “malfoy didn’t do anything? beause if he did, i’ll pound him-”

    “really ron, it was fine”

    “hi harry”

    harry smiled up at ginny and dean who walked into the ompartment and were shortly followed by neville and seamus

