《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读40

    harry’s breath had aught in his throat when drao had piked him up off the floor, and as drao held him he tried to make his heart slow its franti beating

    drao fought down a smirk he ould feel harry’s heart pounding in his hest, and knew that wasn’t only beause he was surprised at what the pon did

    “rather pretty” drao breathed in harry’s ear harry tried to ignore the sensan of hot breath on his nek as he nodded

    “is it perma?” that sounded a little raspier than harry had wanted it too

    “no, it goes away in a few hours” drao replied, touhing bak down on the floor of the room now that the pon had settled

    harry was surprised theday when drao eared through the wall that separated their rooms

    “i’m going swimming want to ome?”

    harry looked at drao inredulously “in the snow?”

    “yes, in the snow” drao repeated as if he was talking to a little hild

    “isn’t the water frozen?”

    drao smirked at harry’s onfun “just put your swimsuit on under your lothes and ome on”

    “i don’t have a swimsuit,” harry pointed out truthfully

    “the house elves will get you one” drao replied as he diseared bak through the wall

    the house elves had done as drao said, and harry found himself following drao through the foot-deep snow towards where drao had pointed out a ke as they neared the ke harry had to stop for a moment when he realized that it wasn’t frozen, in fat, there was no ie to be seen anywhere in the ke, yet the snow reahed right up to its banks

    as they neared the ke, the temperature seemed to rise…yet the snow remained on the ground and didn’t melt warm snow…it was the stra thing harry had seen in a long time, and he said so

    “it’s a long range warming harm” drao replied “the house elves are really good at it”

    when they reahed the bank of the ke, drao almly stripped off his outer lothing and plunged into the waters harry followed at a slightly slower pae

    “you at like you’ve never been in the water before” drao ommented as he surfaed a few feet away

    “i an ount on one hand the times that i’ve gone swimming”

    drao blinked “but you do know how to swim, right?”

    harry gave drao a lopsided smile “yes, drao, i do know how to swim”

    harry meandered into one of the libraries (the red one) and paused in the doorway to see drao lounging on one of the ouhes a book was spread aross his p but he wasn’t reading he was staring off at one of the bookshelves, learly not really seeing it he didn’t move as harry walked into the room and sat down on one of the hairs

    “what are you thinking about?” harry asked softly

    drao started and turned slightly to look at harry “what?”

    “what are you thinking about?” harry repeated

    “oh” drao turned to look at the bookshelves again “we’re going bak to shool tomorrow”

    harry waited for drao to ontinue

    “i’m w how long we an hide this from everyone”

    “we’ve done pretty well so far”

    “that’s fine for during shool, but what hens when the year ends? or, if we somehow manage to keep it a seret that long, what about after we finish shool? someone is going to find out, and the longer we keep it a seret, the more fuss people are going to make…and the wilder the stories are going to be”

    harry frowned drao did have a point the more they hid it, the more sandalous it beame in the eyes of anyone looking in

    “well, the rest of the shool knows about you being a veriae” harry pointed out

    “do they? the only book in the entire shool about veriae is in the restrited sen how many people in hogwarts do you think have read it?”

    “you, me, and herne”

    “exatly they know the name but not the meaning all they are going to see, or fous on, is that two boys who have disliked eah other immensely over the years they’ve known eah other are living together if that doesn’t spell sandal…”

    “well, the other sixth year gryffindor boys all know that i’m not in gryffindor tower anymore” harry pointed out

    “but do they know why?”

