《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读39

    “now i uand that there were ertain restrins ped upon you that you ould not break if you were to gain the trust of…ertain individuals beause of this, our lord has deided to wait before deiding how to deal with you”

    “how to deal with me?” luius’ tone was harsh, like that of a gier

    “yes i told him that a true malfoy suh as yourself would not dream of abandoning our crusade to reinstate the true leadership of the wizarding world”

    “you did?” luius had turned to look into the fire, his fae unreadable and iy

    “of ourse it took me a while to uand your pn but—”

    “you uand nothing if what you are saying is what you truly think”

    if luius was a gier, then narissa was liquid steel

    “what are you saying? that you have truly abandoned our lord?”

    “that is exatly what i am saying”

    “he will kill you luius”

    “sider, for the moment, my opns, narissa say, just say, that i did go bak to voldemort do you really think i would survive the amount of cruiatus that i would have to endure? self esteem only goes so far, narissa, and even i an uand my own weaknesses at least this way i am allying myself with a side that will ause the malfoy name to be preserved”

    “the malfoy name and i suppose that’s all you are about! it’s always been the only thing you ared about! the only simirity between your father and you aring about a name! at least he hose to honor his pure blood and not lower himself to the level of half-bloods, mudbloods, and their sympathizers”

    “do not bring my father into this”

    “he had suh a vin for you luius had you followed it, you would have been great, honored by our lord as your father was”

    “narissa…” luius’ tone was deadly and harry heard drao’s breathing shake as he inhaled “i will only warn you one do not—”

    “you will say nothing, luius for years i have kept silent, as a good wife should, and let you handle our affairs and now i will speak my piee!” something shifted in her demeanor and her tone beame sikly sweet “but you won’t listen to me you only are about the malfoy name not your family, not its standing, not that we ould impat the world…just a name”

    something in luius sned, and there was a sound of ripping loth from the study harry and drao looked at eah other as if sharing the knowledge of what had just hened luius’ wings had eared narissa had gone too far now and luius’ tone ehoed that knowledge

    “if you uand that the holder of the malfoy name is my son, then yes, that is all i are about!” he shouted and narissa paled, the st to realize that she had moved too far in this argument “and it is now lear exatly how muh he means to you” and, as if he had waited too long to say these words, he ontinued “as of this moment, onsider our bonding annulled!” luius’ gre intensified on narissa’s pale fae “in forty-eight hours you will find all of your belongings removed from every malfoy estate and property you will find that your dowry will be fully reimbursed in your former gringotts aount under your maiden name” his eyes seemed to take on a glow akin to that of a man finally freed from a life of prison “now get out of my house and if you ever ome near my son again ourmeeting will not be one you will enjoy”

    narissa huffed, although she did nothing to retaliate against luius’ words she ouldn’t really, not with the bk steel wings onstantly reminding her of how angry luius atually was she marhed out of his study and smmed the door behind her harry and drao pushed farther into the alove as she passed by and she didn’t see them her did luius as he threw open the door as she reahed the top of the entrane stairase

    “and you had better be thankful i’m not a death eater any longer narissa, or i would be following that up with a well-ped killing curse!”

    narissa paled another few shades and left the house at an even faster pae than the one she had been taking before luius almly losed the door to his study as she left the manor

    “was that really neessary?” harry breathed, trying to see if drao had been hurt by wathing his parents fight

    “every word, harry, every word i don’t think i’ve ever been prouder to be a malfoy than at this moment”

    harry smiled at drao as, even in the dim light, he ould see the glow almost radiating from those soft, silver eyes????????????

    chapter 22: vaan’s versans

    harry blinked as a muffled “thud” pounded through the walls of malfoy manor a few minutes ter a muffled “rash” followed this time harry put down his quill from the letter he had been writing to ron and waited a minute when he heard the muffled explon he got up from where he’d been lounging on the bed and made his way into drao’s room drao was nowhere to be seen so harry ontinued walking down the stairase into drao’s pons boratory drao had spent the rge part of three days in there, so harry was not surprised in the least to find him there w on…something

    despite the loud “smash” that shot through the room as harry opened the door, drao looked as if this was quite normal

    “i suppose you wanted those small explons to hen” harry ommented as he losed the door behind him

    drao nodded absently as he dropped something green into the bubbling auldron, a silver one harry noted harry opted to sit on one of the many stools in the room as drao ontinued w on whatever it was he was w on harry had learned that when drao was w on a pon that was either partiurly intriate (never “diffiult” beause that would imply that there was a hane for failure) or one that reated to ertain steps partiurly quikly he would soon fet that there was anyone else in the room and when drao didn’t think there was anyone in the
