《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读38

    his fingers began w, almost as if by their own will, on the ing paper the silver paper ame off easily and drao was faed with a small white box opening the lid his eyes widened carefully he lifted the himes from the box and just held them for a moment he’d been looking at these for years, ever sine his first visit to hogsmead with the other students of ourse, in publi he had a reputan to maintain so he ouldn’t just go in and buy them unless he was going to give them to someone else, and that wouldn’t be the ase

    in the box underh the harms was a small note written in somewhat messy but legible writing were the words:

    hy christmas drao, from harry

    how did harry know? somehow harry had figured out that he wanted the himes no one else had figured it out in how many years yet somehow harry had harry had put that muh thought into it…suddenly his own gift to harry didn’t seem so inropriate any more

    harry looked up from his transfiguran essay as drao walked into his room in his hands the boy held a thin present ed in dark red paper, almost a wine olor

    “hy christmas harry” drao murmured, holding the gift out to harry when harry took it the other boy left the room and left harry blinking in astonishment at the gift drao had atually gotten him one?

    harry put down his quill and all thoughts about the metamorphosis of reptilian snagweed seemed to fly out of his head carefully he began to undo the paper and revealed…a mirror?

    he looked at it for a minute but saw no reflen in the mirror hmm…not a normal mirror then what was drao—

    the surfae of the mirror seemed to swirl and harry found himself looking at…drao he ould see drao shifting all the presents that he hadn’t bothered opening off his bed and telling a house elf something pertaining to them he looked as if his mind wasn’t really on what he was doing so this was drao right now?

    harry thought for a moment did this mirror show him anyone? harry notied that as soon as he stopped thinking about drao the mirror’s image faded how about ron?

    the image swirled and he ould see ron sitting in the middle of his family while they were opening presents


    she was eating lunh, the remains of presents still strewn around the table and a book (harry assumed it was new) open to the thirtieth page

    harry frowned a bit as the image faded it was ool and all, but what was the point really? he doubted drao would have given him a gift on a whim so there must be a point to it other than the obus one

    the mirror showed people…well, maybe the person didn’t have to be alive…

    unbidden, thoughts of sirius and his parents flowed into his head the image swirled and there they were smiling up at him they weren’t moving, like the other pitures had, but they were still there, standing against a grey bakground

    harry heard a small yelp before drao eared through the wall looking slightly shaken “harry, the bond’s going razy are you okay?”

    harry smiled as the image faded and he looked up at drao “thank you drao”

    drao shifted minutely, as if slightly embarrassed “you’re welome…and thanks for the himes too…”

    there was a small pop and the same house elf from the day before eared in the room its rge eyes sought out harry “master luius is w if master potter is wanting to invite any retives for dinner tonight, sir,” it squeaked out unsurely

    harry bnhed the dursleys…here? death eater or not, if the dursleys atually ame to malfoy manor, luius malfoy would kill them before they got to the main ourse and though it would be rather funny to see their expresns at his urrent living arras… no it would be better not to invite them

    drao and harry walked into the dining room (the rge one) that night to see that luius was not the only one waiting for them harry almost ran into drao as he stopped dead right inside the door

    “hello mother” harry heard him say mother? harry looked around drao’s shoulder to see that narissa malfoy was standing a little to the right of luius

    “hello drao dear” her voie was sikly sweet as drao moved into the room, she saw harry behind him “and harry too i didn’t know you were staying here” a quik look at luius whih harry did not like and she ontinued “if i’d known i would have bought you a present too”

    “please don’t worry about it, mrs malfoy” harry managed to get out, notiing the tenn that seemed to be radiating off the two male malfoys something was wrong here and harry wasn’t quite sure what yet

    dinner was not the most pleasant of affairs, even though an outsider would not have known were one to be wathing somehow harry was surprised at how well all of the malfoy family ould at, as it was obus that narissa’s visit was not pnned or wanted by the other two yet, they were all painstakingly ordial to eah other he was very hy when dinner was over and drao asked if harry and he ould be exused from the table

    “oh of ourse dears, run along” narissa said with one of her smiles that never seemed to reah her eyes

    drao seemed to ignore harry after they left the room and harry ould tell this was not a good night for quesns if he wanted some answers he would have to find out himself drao had long sine diseared towards their rooms and harry heard the sraping of hairs against the floor that meant the other two malfoys were getting up from the table no time to get the invisibility loak now

    harry slipped into one of the aloves far from the doorway and gave silent thanks to whihever malfoy it was that liked dark orners and had made this partiur hall with many of them

    luius and narissa entered the hall a few minutes ter, her saying a word or looking as pleasant as they had a few minutes ago when he
