《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读37

    “neon pink?”

    drao stopped for a moment to think “no, not neon, the kind of pink that says ‘new baby girl’” drao shuddered “it shed with the red so horribly”

    harry ouldn’t help it he had to ugh, pituring red, green, and pink as christmas olors

    “harry, get up! presents!”

    harry barely had time to register who was speaking before he found himself falling off the bed and on to the floor with a startled yelp fixing a gre at the malfoy whose fault that was through the mattress of the bed, he muttered, “you have a king size bed, drao was that really neessary?”

    drao didn’t respond, as he was perhed at the end of the bed, a delighted smile on his fae wait…a smile? harry blinked yes, drao malfoy was smiling, almost gleefully, as he shifted through a mountain of presents harry wathed him methodially tossing the topmost presents bak towards the head of the bed

    “any reason why you’re doing that?” harry asked, rawling bak on the bed, barely duking what looked like a ed book

    “retives and friends father always puts his presents under all this junk”

    harry looked in shok at drao as the malfoy surfaed from underh the pile of bows and expensive ing paper with three presents ed in pin bk paper with the name “drao malfoy” written in white alligraphy on them

    “you’re kidding me” harry muttered, looking bak and forth from the pile of presents that drao had virtually disregarded to the three simple looking presents he held here he was, with more presents than dudley had gotten for the st three birthdays and christmases ombined and all he ared about were those three

    “they don’t really put any thought into it anyway, harry so those presents don’t really ount” drao expined as he limbed out of bed and made his way towards thehair “crabbe and goyle always send their presents by mail, so i don’t expet those for another hour yet”

    so drao only ared about five presents? startling harry found himself respeting drao somewhat for that but as drao began to lightly remove the paper from the first of the three presents that luius had gotten him, harry’s eyes found the present he had gotten for drao in the sea of presents

    “you might want to open this one too” harry spoke, piking up the present and ping it on the floor near the hair, before rossing into his own room (noting that it was snowing out today) and looking at the pile on his own bed muh smaller than drao’s, but everyone seemed to be aounted for…and it seemed bigger than usual oh well, he’d find out soon enough so starting from the top, harry began uning

    fred and gee had sent him a box full of “surprises” from their shop (test ns, they’d said in a note) mrs weasley had sent a tin of fudge and a sweater as she had for the st five years running, and harry gleefully started in on the fudge as he turned to his other presents herne had sent him a book (the many uses of parseltongue in history and today by snora serpentis), and ron had paked a hoote frog and a chudley ons poster for his present there were also gifts from remus, tonks, and a few of his dorm mates, along with a small present (andy of some sort with a ard, mostly) from every member of the da then when harry removed ginny’s present to see what was underh that, he had to blink twie to be sure he was seeing what he thought he saw

    a present that was ed in the exat same manner as drao’s three important presents had been ed, exept that it was his name written in white and not drao’s intrigued, harry began to open the paper

    the present hadn’t looked big enough to hold the two books that he had been given and the small box that was seated on top of them, but somehow they’d fit into ing that made them look about as big as a muggle ptop harry looked at the titles of the two books (defense using the dark arts by cursea vie, and quiddith: how aurors affet it by samantha snitherson) before turning to the box when he opened it, he blinked in surprise as a small golden objet bouned out of the box and began to wiz around the room underh the ball with the golden wings was a note on how to use the pratie snith grinning, harry wathed it return to its box, and went to see how drao was doing

    walking bak into drao’s room, harry was no longer surprised at how small luius’ gift had been before he had opened it, when he saw how muh stuff drao had gotten out of those three gifts all of the hairs in the room were overed in lothing and drao still hadn’t opened one of the gifts

    “did you ask for a mall or something?” harry looked pointedly at the lothes

    drao looked at harry quizzially, as if harry had just made up the word “mall”

    “no, harry, i asked for a new wardrobe i do it every year”

    and he gets it every year? harry shook his head he kept fetting how muh differene there was between drao and himself in terms of wealth

    an exited squeal from drao brought harry’s attenn bak to the younger malfoy as he wathed drao open part of the st present from his father withouta word of expnan, drao bounded to one of the ebony doors in the bak of the room (one whih harry hadn’t seen him use yet) and diseared down the stairs that this partiur door led to harry followed at a slightly slower pae

    the stairway opened up into a rge room with stone walls and floors, and long ebony tables harry blinked a pons boratory? someone, somewhere, had to be kidding him but no, there was drao, setting up a bunh of equipment, looking now and then at a book that y on the tableto him for referene as to where a partiur piee went

    “so…what is it?” harry asked as drao stepped bak to look at the ontrapn of gss and pewter

    “it’s a distiller”

    “a what?”
