《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读36

    “exatly and here i thought i had a week or so free from her presene”

    harry flopped on the bed “pansy an’t be that bad”

    the look drao gave him ould have melted iron “you have no idea”

    harry looked at the eiling for a minute before a thought ame to him “i don’t have to go to this thing, do i?”

    “not unless you want to go as my signifiant other” drao replied, a sarasti smile f “beause that’s the only way you’d be invited”

    “ah…good then i won’t have to worry about where i paked my dress robes”

    harry wondered exatly what he ould really do with both malfoys out of the house he supposed they didn’t are that he was left there beause the house elves would make sure that nothing was out of its proper pe when they got bak, but he still wasn’t omfortable with it he began walking bak to his room to find something to do he didn’t get very far

    “left riff-raff alone in the house did they? my son will never uand proper deorum,” a snide voie on his right spoke

    harry turned to see a piture of a stately man with blond hair sliked bak so it made him look like a vampire he had steely grey eyes, almost at-like in their perusal of harry harry got a distint feel of luius from this man, but luius didn’t have the same nose or hin as this person

    “well, don’t just stand there boy tell me who my son has let walk about unheked so that i may properly address the matter with him ter”

    it all liked this was luius malfoy’s father somehow harry got the feeling that this man ould be worse than luius if he put his mind to it

    “my name is harry potter sir” harry gave a little bow as he said so and, lying through his teeth, ontinued “i’m sorry for my earane i haven’t had time to hange out of the shool uniform yet” he figured that he should at least try to get on the portrait’s good side…if it had one

    the man’s lip urled “yes, they ertainly have to hange that ever sine luius went to shool the uniform has been absolutely horrid a result of allowing muggles into the shool they don’t have the same bakground as the old wizarding families horrid just horrid”

    harry didn’t know exatly what was horrid, the muggles in the shool or the uniform beause of allowing muggles in the shool, so he didn’t dare omment after all, he didn’t want all of the pitures in malfoy manor to hate him…that would be so very annoying and he doubted drao would allow him to burn them all…

    “but i haven’t seen you around the manor, potter was it?”

    “yes sir i just ame for christmas break sir”

    luius’ father frowned “and he let one of drao’s friends have free reign of the manor?” the man shook his head as if his son was a hopeless ase

    “not exatly sir” a sharp look from the man made harry ontinue “i am veriae- bonded to drao, sir”

    “ah, so luius passed down that blood did he?”

    harry now had the distint impresn that luius and his father had not gotten along at all everything seemed to be luius’ fault to this man

    “well then, i guess it is fitting that i be the first one to welome you to the family your surname is potter? yes, that is fine the potters are an older wizarding family, not as prestius as some, but good enough” then, on a diret hange of topi, “how old are you boy?”

    “16 sir”

    “a good age to be bonded i’m gd to see that at least luius’ son is doing things orretly must be my good influene rubbing off on him”

    “he speaks fondly of you sir” yeah…drao had never menned luius’ father, but if he was trying to make the portrait like him harry ould not have piked a better thing to say

    “of ourse he does, my boy i ouldn’t trust luius to teah him how to do things properly luius is even of the mind to let the boy pursue that horrid oupan…what was it again? oh no matter he doesn’t see that one has to have a ertain oupan when in an upstanding family suh as ours i tried my best to eduate him when he was young, but he never listened speaking of whih, what are you going to do with your life boy? something befitting the malfoy name, i would hope”

    think fast harry, harry said to himself would an auror be a job befitting a malfoy? how in merlin’s name should he know? how ould he get out of this one? well…if luius ied his dislike for the ministry from his father…

    “my advisor in hogwarts has suggested that i beome an auror for the i fools in the ministry”


    “those babbling its in the ministry ould never get anything done properly!”

    when harry finally got away from luius’ father’s portrait, he found that all of the portraits (whih had been silently wathing when drao had led him through the manor before) were equally inquisitive as to who had been left in the manor after a while it beame easy for harry to mingle with the portraits, and rather fun as well all he had to do was make some omment on how the ministry of magi was i and/or how the dress ode at hogwarts was unbearable nowadays, and make sure to always address the portrait as “sir” or “ma’am” and they all thought that drao ould not have hosen a better young man to bond with

    how the portraits viewed luius was puzzling to harry though arently there had been a huge rift in the malfoy family between luius and his father (harry ould only guess that it had something to do with voldemort) half of the pitures followed the views of luius’ father and thought that luius was a disgrae to the malfoy name, and the other half thought that luius was one of the “better malfoys” from the n with luius’ father’s piture, harry ould only guess that the veriae blood also had something to do with it maybe luius’ mate was one that the tradinal malfoys wouldn’t rove of? oh well, all the pitures seemed rather fond of harry, so he did
