《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读35

    fifteen books ter, drao found the spell he was looking for he heked the book out of the library and made his way down to his rooms, greeting medusa with the password and an inquiry about her ontinued good health

    harry was nowhere to be found good he ould do the spell now andthe present before harry got bak, and be done with it carefully, drao removed the mirror from its asing and ped it on the table near the firepe he then turned to the book and read through the passage about the spell a few times to make sure he uood the rman orretly then he began

    his wand urved up in an arh and down to touh the middle of the mirror’s refletive surfae as he spoke:

    “homo dignitatis animatus vivae pituratus morti videre ”

    chapter 21: the name of a malfoy

    harry finished folding his best shool robes and ped them on top of drao’s ed present that should be enough padding, he thought, as he losed the lid of his trunk this was it he’d already been to the st ss before christmas break, and had finished paking tomorrow he would leave hogwarts with everyone who normally left and would ride the train bak to london from where he and drao, and probably luius malfoy as well, would all be going to malfoy manor it was surprising people hadn’t made a lot of fuss, but that was probably beause no one really knew hek, the only people who knew that he and drao were “together”, if one ould all them that, were his friends, the staff at hogwarts, luius malfoy, drao, and himself of ourse

    it was amazing they’d kept it a seret for so long so why was he so surprised that no one made a big ommon about his living arras for christmas break? after all, it wasn’t as if he had muh of a real hoie in the matter he’d likely wake up in malfoy manor with drao even if he went to sleep in hogwarts and it wasn’t like he would be turned over to voldemort upon stepping into the house beause of the whole veriae bond thing…so why was it suh a big deal to him? why was he so nervous about this?

    needless to say, sleep did not ome easily to harry that night, although it did eventually overtake him

    theday went almost ompletely as harry had envined it he rode with ron and herne, who were also going home to visit their families, on the train ride bak to london he then hung bak while the rest of the students were getting off the train, and saw that while drao was walking ahead with his slytherin ronies (or were they his friends? harry didn’t know), luius seemed to be taking his own time to leave the stan for one harry was gd that the malfoys were almost preditable slytherins as he disretely followed the two malfoys to a…limo…

    its insides revealed that it only looked like a limo harmed to look like a vish streth limo, but in truth it was a arriage like the ones at hogwarts the ride to malfoy manor was another few hours and her malfoy seemed inlined to talk, yet the silene was more ompanable than fored or harsh when harry got out of the arriage, the first thing he notied were the four, tra, white horses whih had pulled the arriage he would have to find out what speies they were…maybe ask hagrid when he got bak

    thething he notied was the house and he wondered why he didn’t notie the house first when he did get the full view of it

    desribe any fairy-tale astle and you have malfoy manor harry was reminded of the astle that he’d seen one in a muggle disney movie when he was very young he’d been loked in the upboard for a few days but he’d thought it was worth it to see “beauty and the beast” even a little bit of it, when his unle and aunt had let dudley wath it and now he stood at the doorway to a rerean of the beast’s enhanted astle before the spell was broken yet…there were some differenes harry ould see

    the arriage stopped at the middle of a driveway of sorts…but made of a white stone not pavement to walk to the front door you passed by four statues, two of the roman god mars and two of the roman goddess athena then you got to a rge bk iron gateway that was engraved with the image of saturn it opened into what looked like a huge garden, overed in snow, and harry ould only wonder what it looked like in spring they ontinued forward to the front door and harry looked up in awe at the better view of the house from its front step gargoyles leered down at him from its heights and owlery (if harry’s guesses were any good) two arved sphinxes sat just over the eves of the door and seemed to hold a wathful expresn so real was that expresn that harry wondered if they were truly wathing him

    the doors were ebony and lined in steel and iron and as luius roahed them they opened by themselves, as if knowing the presene of their master a house elf immediately eared at luius’ side that he ignored ompletely exept to let it take his outer loak

    “i trust you an situate harry in your wing, drao” luius said, “and give him a tour of the manor i have a few things to look after”

    “yes father”

    and luius left, leaving harry and drao alone in the foyer

    harry was too busy looking around to notie the foyer was built on the idea of rystal, with statues of venus hewn from a let rystal on either side of the doorway

    “my grandfather was into roman ideals” drao mused, seeing where harry was looking “he hose to redo the foyer and front hall, as well as some of the outside of the manor when we get into different wings of the manor, you’ll see different themes a to who spent most of their time there”

    drao spoke as if that was what harry had been thinking of, but harry had simply been admiring the art the foyer opened up onto the great hall whih lead to one of four ballrooms, and three sitting rooms, a breakfast room, the rge dinin
