《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读32

    harry wathed medusa wath him disrovingly after a few minutes of this staring o, he spoke:

    “so are you going to let me in?”

    “why should i?” medusa spat “you don’t know the password”

    “beause by now you should know that i live here,” harry pointed out patiently “we have this n even when i do know the password so i don’t uand why you an’t just open up and let me in”

    “no password, no admittane”

    “stupid bith” harry snarled, unaware that it ame out in parseltongue

    “i know what you’re saying,” medusa ommented in a bored tone as the snakes hissed bak their own horus of obsenities at harry “and it just goes to show that you don’t belong here only one of insignifiant breeding would use suh fowl nguage”

    harry groaned “so you’re going to make drao annoyed at both me and you when i bang on your frame loud enough to wake him in the bedroom?” he grasped at the st idea that he had when dealing with this obnous portrait

    “you won’t have to bang loudly he’s asleep on the ouh waiting for you to do so”

    harry ould, and would ter, swear up and down that medusa’s voie took on a ompletely different tone when talking about drao

    “so why don’t you just let me in so that i won’t have to wake him?” harry asked

    the portrait onsidered this for a moment or two before nodding her assent “but you’d better wath out when drao goes home for christmas and it’s just you here you’ll never get in for the entire two weeks!” she spat at him

    harry brushed by her and into the room to find that the portrait had not lied about its sleeping inhabitant the fire had burned itself to low embers, asting almost a shadowy glow on the room and upon the figure sleeping on the ouh drao was ed up in the omforter that he obusly had taken from his bed, its bkblending with the bk silk of drao’s normal sleepwear

    drao’s eyes were losed, of ourse, as he was sleeping, but his fae seemed to retain that same air of malfoyishness that it always held, as if he were some untouhable deity or lord whose level of perfen mere mortals ould never hope to asend to the glow from the fire seemed to sink into his hair and bring out an ethereal glow from the ptinum strands harry stood there just wathing drao sleep, but the serenity of the sene was broken when drao’s eyes fluttered open as medusa losed her portrait rather loudly

    “she let you in surprising”

    “i’d be areful if i were you, i think medusa likes you too muh” harry tried to at normal as he rossed the room to the doorway to the bedroom

    “i’m not too worried” drao padded into the room after him and graefully flopped on his bed (muh to harry’s amazement, though he hid it, that it was atually possible to flop graefully) drao waited for a few minutes until he was ertain that harry was assuming that he wouldn’t say anything about the n he’d overheard earlier silly gryffindor, drao was a malfoy; of ourse he would say something “i atually think it’s ironi”

    “what, that a snake-haired girl likes a slytherin?”

    “no, i wasn’t thinking of medusa, although she was ever so pleased to help make you so embarrassed earlier”

    drao felt harry stiffen

    “then what’s ironi?” harry’s voie was almost guarded

    in the darkened room drao smirked, “i find it ironi that you’re so worried about me rejeting you, when it was you who rejeted me first…twie”

    nothing more was said that night after all, what ould one say to that?

    as drao well expeted, by saying that partiur omment the night before, harry made sure to be out of their rooms by the time drao woke up theday and avoided him as muh as was possible, seeing as there were some sses that gryffindor and slytherin had together and he ouldn’t well skip those drao was somewhat amused by this behaur atually, as he was waiting for the reven that would ome at sometime when harry realized how he had worded that sentene

    he was not prepared for harry to realize a very different thing, whih he brought up during drao’s transfiguran essay that afternoon harry walked into the rooms after a few minutes of bikering with medusa (merlin, how fond drao was getting of the portrait, maybe dumbledore would let him buy it for his study door bak home…)

    “what are we going to do about holiday break?” harry said suddenly, surprising drao slightly where had he ome up with that topi?

    “i don’t see how this holiday break is going to be any different from any other,” drao responded, returning to his transfiguran essay his father and he would spend christmas eve doing whatever they felt like doing, then they would open presents together christmas day and his godfather would likely join them for dinner on christmas day as well-

    “no, i meant about the sleeping thing”

    “what are you rambling about?”

    “unless you don’t pn to sleep at all over holiday break, drao, we’re going to have to figure something out”

    realizing that he would have to take harry home for christmas, drao almost missed the fat that harry had alled him by his first name to his fae drao had heard harry refer to him by his first name before, but never had harry atually addressed him by “drao” instead of “malfoy”

    “well then, harry, you will just have to aompany me, won’t you?” the tone left no room for argument but harry argued anyway, blushing slightly when he realized that drao had piked up on his slip of the tongue

    “aren’t you even going to ask me politely, or are you just going to be a bastard about it? no, wait, why am i even asking?”

    “i don’t know why are you?”

    “beause i don’t have to go to your home over holiday break, i ould very easily stay right here in hogwarts the way i have for the past five years and even if you did go home, you’d end
