《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读31

    harry nodded again

    herne smiled “so how well does he kiss?”

    again harry bnhed “herne!”

    “answer the quesn”

    harry rolled his eyes “really well”

    “better than cho?”


    “would you do it again?”


    in an almost hildish nature, herne poked harry’s shoulder and said in a sing-song voie “i know who harry li-ikes”

    “and i, for one, am going to fet i just heard this n,” an aristorati drawl spoke from behind them

    harry paled, realizing that drao had been standing there for who knew how long

    chapter 18: leaving egypt

    drao wasn’t surprised when harry didn’t follow him into their rooms oh merlin, their rooms sine when had it beome “their” rooms instead of “his” rooms? drao sighed, running his fingers through still damp hair “probably on the same day i fell on top of him,” he muttered into the still room and then paused “sazar, that sounded so wrong”

    drao fored himself to go through the routine of getting ready for sleep, a proess that took hours sine he was so partiur (the real reason why he made sure to get all the homework he would do for a day done before supper), before realizing that medusa would have losed the portrait by now, whih meant harry still ouldn’t get in and there would be no way he ould get in until drao told medusa to open it

    “oh well his fault” drao shrugged nonommittally even as he ontradited himself by getting out of bed and sitting down on the ouh with the omforter, whih he had uneremously pulled off of his bed, to wait for harry to bang on the portrait again within ten minutes however, he was sound asleep

    harry brooded, sitting up on the end of ron’s bed, as his was urrently a few floors down in the dungeons

    “harry, i’ve got to say that brooding about it won’t make the situan go away, mate,” ron finally said with the air of one resigned for a long argument

    harry looked pointedly at him “ron, if drao malfoy had just found out that you liked him, what would you do?”

    “i would keel over ughing beause i’m not gay,” was the stoi reply

    harry rolled his eyes “i should hurt you for that sentene”

    “but then people would wonder why there were strange sounds oming from the dormitory and they would have an exuse to break the loking harm you put on the door whih, by the way, i think you should remove so the other boys an get some sleep even if you are determined to brood away the night hours”

    “i’m not brooding”

    and here they might as well have ome full irle

    “look, it’s not that bad, harry,” ron finally said in the silene

    “expin what’s so ‘not that bad’ about it, then”

    ron raised his eyes skyward with a thought akin to: what is this world oming too? i’m about to help my friend who is emonally involved with a malfoy…

    “well, malfoy’s a veriae it’s not like he an really up and leave whenever he wants…”

    “so i’m stuk with him ating smugly super and/or disliking me for the rest of my life okay”

    ron groaned “look, i an’t believe that i’m going to say this but i’m just going to say what i saw and i don’t are if it was the only kiss you two will ever share for the rest of your lives, you were both partiipating equally, i might add no matter who says what, that is a fat”

    “that was one kiss it doesn’t mean anything”

    “that was your seond kiss though, wasn’t it?” harry wined internally but he didn’t bother telling ron it was atually their third ron suddenly looked very seus “if one kiss was enough to start this whole veriae-bond-thing, then i think that it’s a small thing for a seond kiss to show that both parties are attrated to eah other”

    harry thought for a moment “when did you get so smart?”

    “i an’t believe i just said that,” ron muttered and began moving to the bathroom

    “what are you doing?”

    “i’m going to wash my mouth out with soap for saying suh nie things about malfoy; it’s got to be against some rule somewhere”

    harry ughed lightly before getting up, bidding ron good-night, and allowing several annoyed gryffindor boys bak into their dormitory oh well, it was a long walk down to the dungeons, plenty of time to get enough e to fae drao again, right? then again, maybe drao would be asleep by now…then again…harry remembered that he still didn’t know the password oh…damn it all

