《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读33

    “okay,” harry said and drao went bak to his essay “if you promise to aompany me to da meetings”

    drao stopped w again not that stupid da again but…weigh the opns, christmas at malfoy manner or christmas at hogwarts…oh, bloody hell!

    “very well but i an assure you that i will not be partiipating in any way and that you will ome to regret the idea”

    harry grinned triumphantly and fought bak the urge to go and ugh at medusa and tell her that she wouldn’t have the pleasure of kiking him out of their rooms for two weeks beause when drao left, he would be leaving too well, maybe he ould shove that in her fae ter…

    drao was seusly starting to regret agreeing to go the da meetings when he realized that, of ourse, everyone in this little lub would not likely be too hy with a slytherin present they were not, if the gres being sent his way were worth anything of ourse, it wasn’t really his problem he’d made it very lear to harry that he was just going to sit in a orner and work on his divinan homework and that was that if harry wanted an expnan as to why he was there, then harry would just have to give one himself; and if harry got hurt then he would have to walk over to drao’s orner beause there was no way that drao himself was moving until the whole ordeal was over

    and, true to his word, drao walked over to an unoupied orhat he was quite positive the room of requirement was supplying for him-and proeeded to sit down and take out his homework without a look at the group of students that were very shoked at his ans

    “why is malfoy here?” drao heard one of them ask and ouldn’t help smirking as harry had to make up an expnan that didn’t really tell what truly was going on between the two of them drao did not bother to hide his amused expresn as they bought it; something about how all the spells they used upset some veriae thing unless he knew what was going on oh, he’d have fun with that one ter…

    thus, drao was pretty muh ignored for the first part of the da meeting, when herne was expining thespell that they were w on and drao was effetively tuning her out he had not agreed to listen to her prattle on like a textbook re; he had just agreed to be in the room

    things began to hen when the students started to work with the new spell as drao ould have predited, it wasn’t five minutes before a spell ame at him, whether beause the person missed or beause she purposely aimed at him, he didn’t know and didn’t are

    harry wathed as the beam of purple light headed straight for drao, as did almost everyone in the room the very air in the room seemed to shift slightly and the spell swerved, defleting to the eiling

    “someone should work on the weaslette’s aim” drao spoke, bored, to the room he hadn’t moved from his work or looked up the entire time

    drao deided he liked the room of requirement its very nature would supply him with enough magial urrents to keep a shield even if the urrents in the building itself were feeling testy that was rman to file away for use ter very useful

    of ourse, it was only a matter of time before a spell got too lose to harry and the veriae bond went haywire drao did look up from his work then as he fought to keep his wings inside so that his shirt would not be ruined, and waited for harry to find some exuse to go sitto him he didn’t have to wait long

    harry was surprised that drao did not smirk at him as he made his way over to drao’s seluded orner he sat downto drao in suh a way that his body would hide from the rest of the room what drao’s left hand was doing as his right ontinued writing some notes for divinan

    harry was even more surprised that drao didn’t say something along the lines of “i told you so” and said so after a few moments

    “oh, those words don’t even begin to express my feelings of satisfan at this moment in time,” drao replied, almost amiably

    “but you’re going to say them anyway, aren’t you?” harry asked, knowing that they would ome out sometime; this was drao malfoy he was talking about here

    “of ourse i told you so” and drao still hadn’t looked up from his homework, whih he was just about done with

    chapter 19: beause i wanted to

    drao normally would have found it quite odd, although strangely not disturbing, to think about harry potter while in the shower, but at this moment in time that was exatly what he was doing of ourse, he wasn’t thinking about harry in that way, but it was still a ndmark of sorts what he was thinking about was this: if harry ame to malfoy manner for christmas then he would have to, if only to be polite and proper as befitting a malfoy, get harry a christmas present normally drao did not bother to think that muh about what presents he got for what people, as he normally bought the presents so far in advane he fot what he’d gotten the person by the time christmas rolled around but here he was, with two weeks before christmas, and he had to suddenly get harry a gift well, that’s what hogsmead trips were for and quite satisfied that he had solved this partiur problem, he moved right on to the : whih type of shampoo would he use first?

    harry was also thinking about drao, though he was not in the shower beause that would have been just weird no, harry was all ready for sleeping, but sleep just hadn’t seemed to visit him yet

    drao must be thinking about something, harry thought after all, drao’s showers only got this long if he had something to think about and of ourse, harry’s mind quikly assumed exatly what drao would possibly be thinking about, something he wished drao ould just up and fet as easily as he said he ould but harry knew that when you hear someone professing feelings they ha
