《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读30

    “i won’t leave until you listen”

    “mudblood, get out of my rooms!”

    “they’re harry’s too”

    drao fought to ontrol himself “you have ten seonds talk”

    “i wanted to talk to you about harry-”

    “i gathered that”

    “—and his new behar”

    drao raised an eyebrow

    “i want to know what you feel for harry”

    drao blinked at her a voie inside his brain was beginning to rant about the audaity of some people who would first walk into rooms that do not belong to them, barring for the minute how she even got the password in the first pe, and would then dare ask suh quesns that should not be asked!

    herne waited for the explon that she hoped was oming a rant, maybe, about how one drao malfoy hated one harry potter but she didn’t get one all she got was a strained:

    “i don’t know what you’re talking about mudblood, now get out”

    with a grin, herne left the room so harry wasn’t the only one with these types of feelings but they were both very muh in denial well, desperate times…

    as soon as herne was gone from the room drao stalked up to the piture frame “medusa, never let her into these rooms again and pik a new password that you like you an tell me what it is ter”

    he didn’t bother to really listen to medusa’s reply as he headed for the bedroom and his pons homework hopefully that would get this whole experiene out of his head for a while

    herne found harry after dinner (again he’d wathed drao enter the great hall and sit down with his fellow slytherins before even looking at his own food) “harry, i wanted to talk to you” she said as she aught up with him walking slowly towards the dungeons

    “what’s up?”

    “i wondered how you felt about drao”

    harry looked rather like drao did when she’d asked him that same type of quesn earlier “i don’t know-”

    “you pay more attenn to him in sses that we share with slytherins than on the atual subjet hek, you wath him walk into the great hall for meals as well ron told me about what he aught you doing something’s going on and as your friend i would like to help”

    “i really don’t think-” he aught the look on herne’s fae and inwardly groaned; it was the same type of look he endured with spew “i really don’t know yet” he said quietly, almost hoping she wouldn’t hear him

    they reahed the portrait, for whih harry was extremely grateful he didn’t think he’d ever been so pleased to see medusa in his entire existene but the portrait wouldn’t open to the password

    harry groaned and muttered about drao and hanging passwords without telling him before knoking rather loudly on the piture frame (while ign medusa’s indignant shrieks) and yelled, “drao! make medusa open up already!” he waited a few seonds before sighing “he’s probably already in the shower,” he muttered, sitting downto the portrait to wait

    he aught the look herne shot at him “what?”

    “you know when he showers”

    “i live with him; one does pik things like that up”

    “you lived with a few guys in gryffindor and i bet you ouldn’t tell me their sh times”

    harry opened his mouth to retort but losed it when he realized that he ouldn’t tell her all of that rman

    herne sat downto him “so start talking”

    “is there any way i an hange the subjet?”


    “what if he hears?”

    “you said yourself that he’s in the shower you tell me how long those st”

    harry bnhed when he realized that he did know how long one of drao’s typial showers sted, and that he also knew how that time varied with drao’s moods maybe he should talk to herne she was a girl, and girls were good with these kinds of things, right?

    “i keep telling myself that i’m not falling for him, and at times he makes me so annoyed that i’m sure i’m right but then he—”

    “goes and does something that makes you like him”

    harry nodded

    “and then that makes you fet about the thing that annoyed you”

