《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读29

    harry entered the bedroom as quietly as he ould, and then rexed slightly at hearing the shower running he shook his head…that was, what…drao’s third shower today? yes, he would never uand how that slytherin’s mind worked

    then all thoughts of that slytherin were reped by different thoughts oh bloody hell…pons he’d ompletely fotten to do the essay damn it harry groaned slightly imagining the detenn he’d get for this but then he stopped short in his mental rant

    sitting there inside the over of his pons book…was an essay his essay…or at least that was his writing but he hadn’t written the essay, of that he was sure harry looked towards the bathroom door with shok earing on his fae no way…but there was no other expnan herne might have done the essay for him, but then it would be in her handwriting and he’d have to reopy it…and she didn’t know where his room was to deliver it ron did know where his room was, but her of them would get past medusa (espeially if harry—who did have the password—had trouble doing so) so the only one left was… drao and one would have to use some type of fery spell to write in his own handwriting

    harry began skimming the lines of the essay as the shower turned off it was really good a bit better and more detailed than he would normally be but snape wouldn’t really notie he ouldn’t see a fw anywhere that would key someone into thinking that harry himself hadn’t done the work

    drao ame out of the bathroom dressed in his favorite pair of pajamas (bk silk) to be immediately hit with the full fore of harry’s best smile he blinked slightly and stopped his mind from going down the path of “he looks really ute when he smiles” one eyebrow rising in quesn, even as he saw the essay in harry’s hands he asked:

    “what are you grinning about?”

    “thank you, drao,” was all harry said as he began learing the books off his bed

    “i don’t know what you’re talking about,” drao replied as he limbed in his own bed

    harry shook his head, though he knew drao wouldn’t see it, but ouldn’t help the thought that passed through his head: ‘typial drao even when he does something nie he has to be aloof about it’

    when he woke up theday, harry would ponder that thought and wonder what that meant he would eventually arrive at the onlun that he no longer loathed one drao malfoy got annoyed at often, yes, but he no longer hated him he’d beome used to being around drao…what a sary thought

    chapter 17: lighting the fuse

    in the weeks that followed, as te november beame early deember, harry found himself wathing drao more losely he was…intrigued by drao, that was it he wasn’t developing any feelings other than i…or so he told himself he wanted to figure out just how the blonde’s mind worked one minute drao would be as horrible as he normally was, and then he’d turn around and atually be ivil or worse, agreeable and when he was either of those two things (ivil or agreeable) harry was fored to admit to himself that he enjoyed the blonde’s ompany immensely

    so he took up drao-wathing it therefore beame…almost unfortunate, that he only shared three sses with drao: pons, care of magial creatures, and transfiguran although it did give him a wide base of subjets really: one of his better, one of drao’s worst—care of magial creatures; one of drao’s best, his worst—pons; and a ss that was somewhere iween—transfiguran as suh, he’d been mildly and pleasantly surprised when, after a partiurly nasty assig from transfiguran ss, he’d begun ranting about it, not aring that drao was in the room, drao had joined him about fifteen minutes ter he realized that those were probably the most enjoyable fifteen minutes he’d shared with drao for the entire amount of time that he’d known him

    of ourse, his two best friends notied his strange new habit, even though one tried his best to ignore it

    “herne, i’m telling you, nothing is going on between harry and malfoy,” ron muttered from his hair in the otherwise empty gryffindor on room “you’re just imagining things”

    “ron, you are refusing to see the fats harry won’t even start eating until he’s wathed malfoy sit down on the other side of the great hall; that’s not normal harry-hates-malfoy behar you aught them kissing one, you shouldn’t be this blind”

    “why not?” it did, after all, sit perfetly well with ron to be this blind

    “ron, just think for a moment harry is our best friend what if he’s falling in love with malfoy (ron wined) and malfoy doesn’t get it? harry ould be seusly emonally sarred if something doesn’t hen”

    “herne, are you sure you’re not overreating?” ron asked, remembering how herne ated about the house elves and seeing the same trend in her behar now

    “you see how harry ats too; you tell me if i’m overreating”

    “you’re overreating”

    herne sighed “fine then you just find out the password to harry and malfoy’s room and i’ll do the rest”


    “i’m seus”

    “you’re razy”


    “fine, fine i’ll get harry to tell me so we an meet him there to study or something”


    ron shook his head as he wathed herne walk up the stairs to the girl’s dormitory “i tried to make her stay out of it…” he said weakly “no one an say i didn’t try”

    drao was not amused at this moment in time no, he was not pleased at all and every fibre of his being was direted at making this known to the being standing in his rooms not three feet away from him

    “and just what do you think you are doing in my rooms?” drao hissed

    herne was rather impressed no wings had sprouted yet “is harry here?”

    “no get out”

    “good then” herne ated as if she hadn’t heard the ot
