《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读28

    drao moved slightly to the right in order to start getting off harry but froze when he realized what posin he’d put them in just inhes away from harry, he ould feel harry’s breath on his fae, and ould look diretly into the emerald orbs of his eyes

    her would ever remember who moved first, but someone did, losing the inhes between them, lips oming together as if drawn together by por attran satin aressing silk, someone moaned mouths open, tongues twisting together in a sensual e time seemed to stand still aristorati hands found their way around his slim waist as other hands buried themselves in silken hair drao purred harry hissed in pleasure

    ron, walking through the door, was speaking, not that anyone really heard him “oi, harry, how muh time does it take to—oh merlin! my eyes!”

    two pairs of eyes drifted upwards towards a very sandalized redhead the green ones were apologeti, the silver-grey annoyed

    “sorry ron?” harry’s statement was more of a quesn

    “weasley, what the bloody hell are you doing in my bedroom!” drao growled

    “well i ame in here to see how long it was going to take harry to get his book, but i see instead he was otherwise oupied,” ron shot bak

    “then you an walk bak out, an’t you?” drao sneered “i don’t want you in my personal spae”

    “the only one in your ‘personal spae’ right now is harry, malfoy, and you don’t look too upset about that”

    and while drao and ron bantered bak and forth, with drao still on top of harry, the boy-who-lived was trying to find a way to keep the blush off his fae while simultaneously trying not to be turned on too muh by the velvet quality of drao’s voie whih beame promi when he was angry

    chapter 16: foundans crumble

    harry and ron had finally gotten to the library, after the whole event in drao and harry’s rooms, and harry was just starting his pons essay (at three in the afternoon on the day before it was due) when ron finally got up the nerve to speak what had been on his mind for half an hour before this point, to harry harry blinked at him, disbelief learly written aross his features

    “ron, you have got to be kidding did you eat something that fred or gee sent you? you know that it’s an ‘at best’ situan if dr-malfoy and i hate eah other”

    ron hose to ignore harry’s slip-up when he’d said malfoy’s name and just looked at his friend skeptially “i don’t know how things looked from your end, mate, but all i’m telling you is that it didn’t look like you two hated eah other from where i was standing that’s all just fet i said it, okay? i’m ertainly going to fet i saw it” ron looked slightly disgusted as he tried not to remember it

    of ourse, after hearing that kind of a statement from ron of all people, harry ouldn’t orate on pons (a ss he had with drao) so, in the politest way he ould with his mind on other things, he left his friends in the library and went in searh of his firebolt to go flying and lear his head

    herne wathed him go with a puzzled expresn and turned to ron the seond harry had diseared out the door “what hened?” she asked in a hushed whisper

    ron almost sighed at the prospet of having to relive that sene yet again, but began to tell her

    down in the dungeons, drao was just finishing expining what had hened to his father, who (if he had been looking, whih by the way he wasn’t) looked mildly amused at his son’s plight

    “drao, for the st time, the bond does not do anything to your emons it does not magnify nor reate anything for you exept power it stays away from matters of feeling”

    “then why did i have to kiss him in the first pe?”

    “merely tradin normally the two intended are rather attrated to one another; therefore the bond ame to be ativated by kissing nothing more, nothing less when potter tried to defy the bond, it retaliated by beginning to retrat itself in an effort to stabilize itself, thus more kissing” he took a long sip of port “when it omes right down to it, drao, the fault rests ompletely with the two of you”

    “it’s not my fault,” drao muttered below his breath and his father hose to ignore that statement then he thought of something “what in merlin’s name am i going to say to him?”

    luius raised an eyebrow “say, drao? you don’t have to say anything i would reommend being ivil, but in reality you don’t need to do a thing your part as a veriae is done and over with unless your bonded gets in trouble you ould ignore his very existene”

    “i know that, but it’s just a bit awkward,” drao responded

    “then be ivil or, if you’re feeling adventurous, try being agreeable you might enjoy the results” the sarasm was lost on drao, who atually thought about the idea

    “i tried being agreeable in first year, and that didn’t work”

    again luius found soe in his wine gss before speaking “drao, you are a slytherin and malfoy, he doesn’t need to know that it’s you being agreeable”

    drao thought about that some more, and luius found himself thanking whatever deity was ruling the world that drao was an only hild luius didn’t think he ould handle another one finally breaking the silene, luius spoke

    “i will be remaining at the manor after christmas break; it ears that i seem i enough at this point to the ministry”

    drao bit bak a grin at the drawled statement he had problems pituring his father as “i” in any definin of the word, but then again he knew things that the ministry did not

    luius wathed his son arefully, but drao didn’t seem to th on to the fat that if he, drao, was going to go home to the manor for christmas break with his father…then harry would have to go as well luius idly wondered if he’d been as this unobservant at drao’s age…and
