《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读27

    “i fell” drao got up rather stiffly and brushed a few bk feathers off him “i didn’t know i had that many feathers to begin with” he seemed mildly impressed

    harry dropped out of drao’s bed on the other side and brushed off the bk feathershim as well but what was that taste in the bak of his mouth? with one finger he traed the bak of his tongue and managed to dislodge…a feather

    “should i even ask how a feather got in my mouth?” harry muttered

    drao looked mildly disgusted “that would be a no”

    harry didn’t respond to drao’s answer, in fat he hadn’t even looked at drao after that first time this m seeing drao was still too onfusing…or brought up onfusing thoughts and it was too early in the m to deal with onfusing issues

    harry made his way down to the great hall for breakfast to find that, for one, he had arrived before ron and herne he was halfway through his seond piee of toast when the two arrived

    “oh, harry, you should have told us you were going to be here early” herne told him as they sat down

    “mate, are you feeling okay? it’s a sunday; one sleeps in te on sundays” ron reminded him, oblius to the look of exasperan herne sent his way

    other students began to filter in to breakfast, but harry noted that there was no sign of drao that was rather odd drao was normally at breakfast around this time every day of the week but pushing the thought out of his mind, he returned to the n that was hening around him


    the house-elves, drao thought, ould be really annoying the little buggers had been in his bedroom when he’d emerged from his shower, piking up feathers they refused to leave, even to allow him privay to get some lothing on, until they were finished drao almost rmed them of how muh time they were wasting it was muh easier for the veriae himself to pik up his own feathers they were still keyed to him after all so if anyone else tried to do so, as the house-elves were doing…well, it took a long time so drao started w on breaking the reord for lo time wearing nothing but a towel

    when they were finally done and out of his room, drao set about getting on some proper lothing and then pondered what to do about the rest of his day shoolwork eventually won over, beause tomorrow was monday, and he ould always ount on his godfather to assign some long essay (whih he had finished and in truth had enjoyed doing) so he might as well finish the homework he needed to hand in on tuesday arithmany drao’s eyes sanned the topi of the essay, and he immediately resolved to just look up the answer in a book instead of doing the extra work to figure it out that was the problem with arithmany during his first years taking it, he’d atually done the work of figuring out the answer to the essays himself, then he’d realized they were all in the book, just not in the hapter the ss was urrently studying

    now where was that book? let’s see the st time he’d used it, he was doing those analogy things (stupid teaher was in love with analogies, he was ertain) he’d been pretty tiked by the time he’d finished the st one (out of one hundred), so he probably put the book somepe out of the way with the help of the magial urrents that drifted through hogwarts this, of ourse, meant that he had no lue where it was now for all he knew, he had banished it to the fourth floor orridor and merlin knew who might have found it but as he ast his eyes around the room he saw that this was not the ase it was just baned on the top of his bookshelves…whih were about twie as tall as drao himself was

    oh, wouldn’t this be fun drao looked at the book as he sensed around for any urrents that might be nearby that was the thing when one was down near the dungeon inside a building like hogwarts, one ouldn’t rely on the nature urrents, whereas outside they were everywhere and anywhere no, inside, one had to rely on the urrents that ame from those who were using magi at the moment in time or from older spells that were entombed in the rok walls of the astle and, as the hogwarts stairs proved, these were rather temperamental so, of ourse, there were no magial urrents for drao to find and all to his aid when he wanted them

    so drao did what any self-respeting teenager would do he gred at the bookshelves and the arithmany book as if it was all their fault

    “so harry,” ron asked as they finished breakfast “have you finished your essay yet?”

    “haven’t even started,” harry answered easily

    “same here”

    “what? it was assigned st monday!” herne yelped as she tried to omprehend what must have been going through their minds all week to not at least start on the essay

    “so?” ron asked “just beause it was assigned doesn’t mean we would do it on monday”

    harry nodded “we have today to do it, herne it’s not the end of the world”

    herne just shook her head at the k of responsibility those two had when it ame to shool quiddith was a whole other story, but when it ame to shool work…just fet about pnning for anything “well, then you two should go get started on it,” she told them

    “will you help us?” ron asked

    “absolutely not you had an entire week to do it”

    ron frowned “okay then shall we just get this over with, harry?”

    “sure i have to go get my book though”

    “then i will meet you two in the library,” herne said and took another stairway towards the library’s orridor

    “you an ome with if you want,” harry said “i’m sure malfoy has leared out by now”

    ron nodded and the two set off down another stairway

    harry deided that medusa was never hy to see him even when he told her the password she wouldn’t open the door until she’d given
