《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读20

    drao malfoy had kissed him today strange harry guessed he’d expeted a bit more wasn’t that kiss oing the bond thing? so shouldn’t it have been…somewhat speial? but it had been just a kiss and had felt exatly like one now, harry would be the first to admit that he was no expert in the field if one ould all it that) of kissing after all, his first, and regrettably only, kiss with someone who wasn’t “family” was with cho…and that had not been the most pleasant of things malfoy had obusly a bit more pratie than cho… srath that, a whole lot more pratie, as malfoy had obusly known exatly what he was doing and, surprisingly, with very pleasant, if ued, results whih really was the root of the matter harry had enjoyed it…well, until reality ame rashing down and he remembered that he was kissing drao malfoy whih kind of took away some pleasant fators but if he momentarily fot that it had been drao malfoy kissing him, and just orated on how the kiss itself felt…he wouldn’t mind doing it again, and maybe…a bit more often of ourse, being that it had been drao malfoy kissing him, harry doubted very muh that the experiene would ever repeat itself, and he guessed that he shouldn’t want it too…but still…

    and with that harry deided that he was over-analyzing way too muh he hated drao malfoy drao malfoy hated harry potter and that was that so he was an adolesent and adolesents (along with most of the rest of the popun) enjoy kissing when it’s done well, so what? that did nothing to hange the fat that drao malfoy hated harry potter and vie versa, and that fat would remain until the end of time itself

    and with that, harry potter had joined drao malfoy on the banks of denial, but had been very areful to build his housing of hoie on the opposite side of the river, away from drao’s manor beause they wouldn’t want to be neighbors…no not at all

    chapter 11: settling in?

    dinner, whih was normally a mostly heerful and looked forward to event (by the single fat that food was served), was not so heerful for four people on this night these four people were: harry potter, herne granger, ron weasley, and drao malfoy

    drao was enjoying the st part of his day off (owing to the fat that he was still “re” from his near death experiene, whih by now had been pushed to the farthest reahes of his mind) eating dinner while sitting on his bed in his room the only bad thing— whih had therefore thrown him into this ategory with three others whom he would never want to be listed with in any way shape or form unless it was a list of people who hated eah other—was the seemingly unobtrusive addin to his bedroom well, to some people it was seemingly unobtrusive…yes, some people who were blind that is another bed had been “grusly” added to his own bedroom, not three feet from his own emerald and ebony bed the house elves had added it, without his permisn he might add, to his bedroom while he had been engaged in his pons homework (whih harry had in fat not bothered to bring him; snape had done so instead) in the other room of his “dormitory”, whih he personally had dubbed his “study” he’d nearly had a heart attak when he unknowingly had walked bak into his room in order to grab another pons referene book somehow, looking at this…thing made the whole situan muh more real

    but drao was re from this situan, he really was in fat, he prided himself on how well he was adjusting in the spae of time that it took to eat one meal as he’d, in a way, promised harry, the boy’s bed was not slytherin olored it was bk and red not that garishly and, in drao’s humble opin, taky red that adorned everything gryffindor, but a subtle blood red it was atually a nie addin that aented the olor sheme of the room…whih was hiefly bk, a olor that was fast beoming drao’s favorite olor for reasons that he hadn’t quite yet sat down and thought about maybe he should…that would ertainly get his mind off the whole potter subjet…

    the other three in the ategory of having-a-not-so-heerful-dinner were sitting in the great hall with other students of their house, w exatly what was really done in situans like this one harry was just trying to reover from the slight nausea that was setting in beause he’d just realized that his trunk was no longer in the dormitory that had been his home-away-from-home (if you ould all his real “home” by that name) he would be rooming, as in sharing living spae, with drao malfoy but that wasn’t the real ing part for some strange reason, he didn’t mind as muh as he thought he should

    ron and herne were w what to say in the gap left by harry’s oive silene what did one say to a friend that was going through something like this? of ourse, what, at the basi level, they might want to do would not be the right answer and they both knew it ron spewing about how muh he hated drao malfoy would not hange the fat that harry now had to pretty muh live with the boy, and herne asking about a hundred times if harry was okay wouldn’t do muh more than ron’s spewing so they were also silent one almost had to thank ginny, who like most everyone else in the entire shool (barring several teahers, one parent, and one other student) didn’t know about this prediament, when she asked in a low voie at harry’s elbow:

    “harry, when is theda meeting?”

    harry blinked, and then thed on to this safe and retively drao-free subjet “what?”

    “we haven’t had a meeting in about a week we’re w when theone will be”

    that muh was true they’d had only two or three meetings before the whole non- drao-free subjet ame up, and that had been a while ago

    ron also thed onto the idea “are you doing anything tonight harry? we oul
