《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读21

    “potter, i am immensely displeased,” he pratially hissed as he realized who had run into him “do you know how muh this shirt ost?”

    harry’s eyes didn’t even bother to san the shirt, the bak of whih was in shreds “what is going on?” he managed to fore out through his voal ords

    “oh, you mean why you’re in pain? holy potter, what were you doing to make the bond kik in like that?” drao surveyed harry’s slightly hunhed over form

    “make it stop” harry rasped

    drao rolled his eyes and stepped forward, his hand grudgingly finding its way under harry’s shirt to the skin just below his bellybutton

    harry blinked as the pain diseared “gd that’s over,” he muttered

    “are you?” drao quipped, raising an eyebrow in annoyane “i hope you keep that attitude for thehour and a half”


    “we have a newly formed bond, potter it will take time for that to be paified enough to let us leave the other alone see, i’ll show you”

    and not even b to hide his glee, drao slipped his hand out from underh harry’s shirt said boy bnhed as the slight burning sensan eared again he looked at drao with an expetant look as the other boy hesitated to repe the hand, but he finally did so when harry, none too niely, kiked him

    “see what i mean?” drao drawled

    “why wasn’t i rmed of this?” harry spoke, his tone ausing

    “beause it’s rman that the veriae knows and others do not” was the simple and haughty answer “now, potter, do you think you might be able to start moving bak towards my room as i do not relish the idea of my fellow ssmates finding us in this posin?”

    harry nodded and the two began to walk in measured steps bak towards the medusa portrait

    one bak inside, drao moved them towards one of the ouhes in his study (green leather of ourse) “start talking, potter, you’ve got an hour and twenty minutes”

    “talking about what?” harry shot bak

    “expin what got you into this situan,” was the answer

    “well, let me think…nope, i don’t think i know enough about the malfoy line to answer the quesn of how veriae blood got—”

    “not about that, potter, about this,” drao moved his hand away from harry momentarily to aent the point

    harry sighed slightly and figured that it ouldn’t really hurt to expin “i was in the middle of a da meeting—”


    another sigh “the da dumbledore talked to you about it-”

    “oh, right, i remember now the little defense group that you started that i thought was a omplete waste of my time that da”

    harry blinked as drao spoke as though he was remembering a trip to diagon ally oh, that trip i remember i went and bought this, that, and the other…

    “anyway, we were just starting a six-way duel—”

    “you what? are you razy?” drao pratially shrieked

    “what are you talking about?”

    “you an’t do that, you moron! no wonder the bond was so upset” drao looked ausingly at harry

    “it’s ontrolled—” harry started to expin, but drao wasn’t done ranting

    “you’re just up and allowing people to throw urses at you! merlin, how stupid an you get?”

    harry fought the urge to groan “nothing even hit me,” he pointed out helpfully

    “priniple of the thing,” drao spat bak venomously


    drao’s eyes narrowed slightly “then i’ll just go to bed now” he drawled, and moved bak away from harry

    “don’t you dare stop touhing me!”

    “potter, do you know how wrong that sound—”

    “shut up, malfoy!”

    drao smirked triumphantly and returned his hand to its inal spot “the only person the bond will allow you to duel with like that is me,” he pointed out after a few seonds worth of silene

    “oh that’s a relief,” harry muttered “beause i would really like to hex you right about now”

    drao merely raised an eyebrow in response, looking eerily like his father for a moment or two “you may find that harder than you think, potter remember that”

