《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读19


    herne rolled her eyes “again, not like that, ron drao’s veriae side…well you ould almost think of it as a feminine side really, it needs the proten of its soul-mate when drao is vulnerable now, when drao’s awake and aware of his surroundings, i doubt he’s ‘vulnerable’ but when he’s asleep…well everyone’s vulnerable when they’re sleeping so his veriae side will need harry in lose proximity maybe not in the same bed but in the same room”

    “oh” ron looked relieved “but what if harry doesn’t want to or something?”

    thanks for ating as if i’m not here, harry thought before answering out loud “if the bond between myself and…malfoy (harry was unsure if he should start trying to all malfoy “drao” now, but deided against it) starts to disie, as in if we aren’t around eah other when the veriae side needs us to be around eah other—”

    “it takes its toll on the body,” herne finished “so basially, if harry doubles over in pain we’ll know to get him to malfoy”

    ron nodded slowly, his fae a few shades lighter than it was preusly

    “and this inludes having other bed partners”

    “wait a minute! so if i want to have sex i have to do so with potter and only potter?” drao gred at theoffending inanimate objet, whih hened to be one of his bedposts as his father nodded the affirmative “well that’s a pain”

    luius internally groaned and here he thought he was done talking to drao about these types of matters

    “harry, i am so gd i’m not you right now,” ron muttered and harry personally agreed with him harry would be gd not to be harry at this moment in time and yet, there were those feelings again…those weird impulses that didn’t really seem to mind some of these prospets that the logial part of him should have been ondemning strange

    after a few minutes of silene between father and son, luius spoke “you had better get up the sooner you get this situan fixed between the two of you, the sooner you will be able to rex”

    “rex?” drao all but yelped how in the name of all things magial was he supposed to rex? he was going to be ompletely bonded to potter of all people before the day was out and while his veriae side didn’t mind it in the least, the st part of drao malfoy as the world saw him had major issues with it

    “i believe you heard me orretly remember, if you handle this orretly, you an fore your own ontat with potter to a minimum…” the elder malfoy stood and walked towards the door to the room “…if you hoose to” and he left as drao started and gred at the door whih losed behind his father silently

    presumably, his father was going to find someone to find potter or maybe even find potter himself…but what was his father talking about with those st words? drao shook himself slightly and started the proess of getting out of his warm bed and moving towards the shower there was no way he was going to see anyone if he hadn’t showered in three days

    chapter 10: awkward beginnings

    now, over harry’s years of existene, he had been in some very odd and, in some ways, dis, situans let’s start with first year, shall we? all the people looking in shok at him when his name was alled to be sorted; snape asking him those quesns at his first ever pons ss (yes, that wasn’t the easiest of moments); seeing that the bak of one of his teahers’ head was in fat just the start of another head (that was definitely a mental image that he ould live to a ripe old age without having, thank you very muh!)…then in seond year…oh, start with the whomping willow problem; and then that meeting with filh where both he and ron thought they were going to be expelled; wathing his arm bend bak upon itself when a teaher had taken all of his bones away; all of dobby’s meetings/warnings; yup, no loss of strange situans in seond year, and this time he didn’t even inlude voldemort in that list then third year rolled around and you had the dementor problems; and shall we say, animagi and other magial reature problems; the time turner bit; yes, that about sums it up niely fourth year brought the annoying bit about being piked for the tri-wizard tour without entering; rita skeeter’s issues (and we’ll leave it at that) ; finding out that what should have been a show of good sportsmanship atually turned out to be a very nie way to kill i vitims…harry still hadn’t gotten over that one and then, st but not least, fifth year and harry’s frazzled mind wasn’t going to even start on that year

    but waiting outside a very rge portrait of medusa for the inhabitant inside the room to finally open the bloody door, was not a situan that he had enountered before; ertainly not waiting for drao malfoy to open the door to his room so that they ould kiss nope, never been in this situan before…harry wondered if this fell in the “strange” ategory or the “slightly disturbing” ategory, and then vaguely wondered if he should reate a new ategory of “reasons why i will need to see a shrink when i get older”…hmmm, no too many words…how about “slightly disturbing”? yes, that worked really niely

    so the first strange situan of sixth year was…well, it would have to have been the whole “luius malfoy has feathers” bit and then, finding that dumbledore wanted harry to be okay if drao malfoy, of all people, wanted to pop in on a da meeting (whih thankfully had not ourred) would be ; then learning that he was drao’s intended… yeah that was a situan all right and then the whole thing three days ago, whih he really needed to get straightened out before he really lost his mind, would fall into the new “slightly disturbing ategory”, harry mused and st, this situan e to think of it…one that portrait opened, a different “slightly disturbing” situan would be presented

    and o
