《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读18

    “i don’t think i have muh of a hoie,” harry muttered as herne nodded knowingly

    “i don’t get it,” ron spoke “why doesn’t harry have a hoie?”

    “well ron,” herne spoke “harry, by stopping drao’s veriae side from killing him in an effort to ease his soul mate—”

    “wait a minute what?”

    “that’s why the veriae will ommit suiide,” harry muttered, staring at the floor “in a twisted way, it thinks that killing itself will make the mate hy if the mate hates it so muh that he/she won’t bond with him/her”

    “weird,” ron muttered

    “yes, anyway, now that harry has…well…shall we say, ommitted himself to the veriae side of drao malfoy, he’ll now have to omplete the bond”


    “drao will do it for him,” herne finished and harry wined


    “remember how vee treat their mates, ron?” herne asked a stuttering ron “well, veriae are not vee in any gei way, but their need to omplete the bond now that the soul mate, in this instane harry, has ommitted himself will start to look very simir if harry doesn’t omplete the bond himself”

    “so harry’s going to…mate…with malfoy?” ron ouldn’t keep the slight disgust out of his voie and for the seond time harry found himself wining

    “not like that, ron” he spoke and ron heaved a sigh of relief

    “that’s right harry’s only got to kiss him”

    “potter’s got to kiss me?” drao half shouted as the elder malfoy finished expining how his son would omplete the bond with harry potter

    “drao!” luius’s own voie rose in volume, reminding the younger malfoy that shouting at the top of one’s lungs like that was an undignified at uing of a malfoy

    ron blinked and then frowned “what kind of kiss are we talking about herne?”

    harry also frowned he hadn’t thought of that

    “the book doesn’t say, but i’m guessing it’s just a regur kiss”

    “there’s no tongue, right?” drao asked worriedly luius’s eyes looked to the eiling in a “why me” gesture of annoyane before he shook his head in a definite no drao heaved a sigh of relief

    “may i ontinue expining then?” luius asked pointedly and drao fought down the urge to yelp

    “there’s more?”

    “of ourse, what did you think? one kiss and you never see eah other again?”

    “i’d rather hoped that…”

    “don’t be an it, drao”

    “i’m sorry father”

    “and then what? that’s it?”

    “no,” harry spoke, his voie void of emon this was the part where those funny and unexpinable feelings of his started ating up

    “well, ron, they’re bonded”

    “and that means what exatly?”

    “well, they’ll have to share the same bedroom”



    luius rolled his eyes in his first unmalfoyish gesture in exatly fifteen minutes “do i really need to repeat myself, drao?”

    “no father”

