《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读13

    hi harry just so you know i still hate you, but you’re my intended life partner, so an you hurry and rejet me beause i want to die beause voldemort just announed that he’s gay and wants to be my bride

    drao shuddered yeah, if he ever wanted to ommit suiide, that would definitely be the way to go now all he had to do was pray that harry didn’t figure it out, or if harry did figure it out (more like if granger ever figured it out) that harry had enough ommon sense to avoid him at all osts

    yes, that was all…and then there was that little fat that he had to start ontrolling his emons more now, just to make sure he didn’t go mental when someone tried to hurt harry…like sending a bludger at him in the saturday quiddith math this week…oh damn it all!

    chapter 7: as the truth is dragged out

    ron and herne sat in stunned silene as harry’s tirade finished ron was the first to reover, turning to herne looking puzzled

    “herne…is it even possible to have a pink aura?”

    herne frowned “yes, i suppose anything’s possible”

    “guys, the strange n malfoy started oming bak up to the astle is not the point here,” harry groaned, falling bak on to the onvely ped ouh “why in merlin’s name did malfoy help me?”

    “i don’t know harry-” herne started

    “probably wants something in return” ron muttered

    “—and before i was interrupted!” herne gave ron a pointed look and ron smiled sheepishly, “i was going to say not to dwell on it you shouldn’t be ompining that he stepped in after all it’s better in the long run for you”

    “he didn’t demand anything in return right?” ron asked sharply

    “no all he said afterwards was that thing about the aura then he said nothing we walked bak to the shool and he took the pons’ stuff and left”

    “maybe he doesn’t realize why he did what he did,” herne spoke thoughtfully, and then yawned

    harry grimaed “sorry i woke you guys up” he realized that dragging his friends out of bed (ron literally from his bed and herne by yelling up at the girl’s dorm) might not have been thething to do, but he’d been freaked

    “don’t worry about it i would have done the same thing,” ron admitted “well, let’s go to bed and think on it in the m”

    “good idea,” herne agreed, then pulled ron bak as harry walked into the dorm “i need to talk to you wait until harry falls asleep, then ome bak down”

    ron nodded, not waiting to ask why herne would expin it ter as she always did

    ron ame bak down to see herne sitting on a hair with a book in her hands “what’s up?”

    “i know why malfoy did what he did tonight”

    “you mean ‘st night’; it’s after midnight but why did he do it?”

    “beause of his veriae blood”

    ron frowned “you’ll need a long expnan for this, herne”

    the girl nodded “don’t stop me until i’m done then”

    ron flopped onto a ouh and waited

    “when i saw malfoy’s feather fall to the ground that day he went ballisti on you, i piked it up so that i ould researh what he was i was very areful never to diretly touh the feather itself beause it was razor sharp i found one book whih had a desripn of a feather, but it was in the restrited sen so it took a while to get permisn to read it by then the shool knew he was a veriae, but so what i wanted to find out more about his powers but the book didn’t tell me that, arently the veriae is taught by his autor… that’s the reason luius malfoy is here by the way anyway, what the book did tell me was the life…yle i guess, of the veriae it also told me of the veriae’s soul mate it works almost like the vee, in that the veriae also look for their perfet mate but the veriae don’t sniff out their mates like vees do, they look at the aura of the soul when they find the person that mathes their own, they’ve found their soul mate this mate is very important, but not neessarily vital to their lives if their soul mate never rejets them, they won’t die and an live without their mate however, if they tell their mate and their mate rejets them they die at midnight of that day now i was just reading about another purpose of the mate when harry walked in the feather of drao’s was on the table when harry touhed it, it reverted bak to its soft silken form this is beause the veriae instint wouldn’t want to hurt their mate in any way”

    “so you’re telling me harry is malfoy’s soul mate?”

    “yes but he doesn’t have to bond with malfoy he just annot rejet malfoy openly or else malfoy dies”

    “and malfoy would never tell harry, beause malfoy hates him”


    “then that’s okay then, and we all go on as we have”

    “but tonight, malfoy stopped an attak on harry we need to be ready for any situan we’re harry’s friends and harry’s smarter than he lets on in pons ss, you know if he finds out himself, we need to support whatever dein he might make”

    “you mean if he hooses to be with malfoy yeah, i an almost see him doing that”

    “you know harry has the attitude that love is love no matter whih gender it omes from, and despite what malfoy has done to him, the veriae part of him would make sure that harry is never hurt…by anyone or anything”

    “but you’re overlooking the fat that harry hates malfoy”

    “there is also that i’m just telling you this so that no matter what hens, we an support harry”

    “of ourse we’ll support harry we’re his friends i mean, sure, when he expined his views on love to us this summer i was a bit shoked, but i an deal with this”

    “you’re sure?”

